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Suc­cess­ful joint ap­plic­a­tion: HNU and HBC re­ceive fund­ing in the "FH-Per­sonal" pro­gramme

10.11.2020, Press Release :

Together with the University of Applied Sciences Biberach (HBC), the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) has successfully asserted itself in the Federal-Länder funding programme "FH-Personal". With the funding of up to 5.51 million euros, the two universities will be able to implement both individual and joint measures from 2021 onwards to improve the recruitment and qualification of professorial staff.

The aim of the initiative of the Federal Government and the Länder is to support Fachhochschulen and Universities of Applied Sciences (HAWs) in making the career path of professorship more visible, to attract suitable applicants and to qualify professorial staff accordingly. More than 90 universities nationwide had applied for the implementation phase. HNU and HBC are among the 64 applicant universities whose ideas for new personnel measures will now be funded in future. Under the name of "InnoPROF", this is another cooperation project between the two HEIs, which had already raised several funds together in the past, including within the InnoSÜD network.

Qualified professors - an important building block for higher education development and necessary transformation processes

The positioning of HNU and HBC as attractive employer brands is a central component of this. Only with highly qualified professorial staff can the challenges facing all HAWs in the coming years be mastered, emphasises HNU President Prof. Dr. Uta M. Feser: "We are very pleased that we can use this funding to expand our practice-relevant teaching, applied research and recursive transfer in a future-oriented manner".

HNU and HBC had already successfully applied for concept funding in the first programme phase 2019 and developed a strategic concept tailored to the universities and the region. The measures developed in the Bavarian-Baden-Württemberg association convinced the expert panel in the first round of funding: the "InnoPROF" association is thus entering the funded implementation phase for six years.

Joint exploitation of potential: cross-state network measures for innovative personnel recruitment and development

"The joint funding speaks for the quality of our universities in the region," says HNU Vice President and applicant Prof. Dr. Julia Kormann. "We have networked for the development of innovative measures in order to fully exploit our potential both at the HNU itself and in the regional network and to be able to attract and qualify the best minds". In particular, the cooperation will enable a concerted strengthening of measures in the area of employer branding. "We do not think university alone, but together", explains Prof. Dr. Jens Winter, Vice Rector at HBC. "Together we can create much more and are more visible than alone".

The planned measures focus on the professionalisation of appointment processes, the structural anchoring of diversity and an increase in employer attractiveness. Among other things, new professorship models and a regionally anchored cooperation platform are planned.

Programme "FH Personnel"

The two-phase programme funded by the Federal Government  has a total volume of EUR 431.5 million and runs until 2028. The implementation phase, which follows the concept phase, comprises two rounds of approval; the second round begins in 2022. The costs of the programme are jointly borne by the Federal Government and the Länder. Calculated over the entire term, the Federal Government bears just under 70 percent of the costs, while the Länder share is just under 30 percent.

Further information on the FH staff programme of the Federal Government:



[Translate to English:] Lila Hörsaal in der Hochschule Neu-Ulm (HNU). (opens enlarged image)
[Translate to English:] Lila Hörsaal in der Hochschule Neu-Ulm (HNU).