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Lo­gist­ics labor­at­ory pro­duces 300 face shield com­pon­ents us­ing 3D print­ing tech­no­logy

06.05.2020, Press Release :

Staff at the logistics laboratory at the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences have produced 300 face shield components to help improve coronavirus prevention in the district of Neu-Ulm. The team spent three weeks on the project, producing the masks using 3D printing technology. The components were handed over in person to District Administrator Mr Thorsten Freudenberger.


The logistics laboratory team of Prof. Dr. Oliver Kunze manufactured the 300 components using four non-industrial 3D printers, under the expert technical supervision of Dr. Galiya Klinkova. These components can be assembled using sturdy and transparent DIN A4 stationery sheets and standard rubber parts to make the face shields. On 30 April 2020, the laboratory team and President Prof. Dr. Uta M. Feser handed over the third and last batch of the production run in person to District Administrator Mr Thorsten Freudenberger at the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences.

“By producing the face shield components using 3D printers, the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences has clearly demonstrated that a combination of creativity, flexibility and the right technology can be used to help people in the fight against the coronavirus. Prof. Dr. Kunze’s team has gone the extra mile to help to equip over 200 people in the district of Neu-Ulm with face shields. This will hopefully provide better protection against the risk of infection. I would like to express my sincere thanks to everyone involved in the project,” said Mr Freudenberger.

Face shields do not offer complete protection, but help to reduce the risk of coronavirus infection from coughing or sneezing. They therefore provide protective equipment, for example, for doctors and nurses, in addition to mouth, nose and eye protection.

From left to right: Mr Thorsten Freudenberger (District Administrator, District of Neu-Ulm), Prof. Dr. Oliver Kunze, Prof. Dr. Uta M. Feser (President of the HNU), and members of the project team: Mr Warth, Dr Klinkova and Mr Frommer  (opens enlarged image)
From left to right: Mr Thorsten Freudenberger (District Administrator, District of Neu-Ulm), Prof. Dr. Oliver Kunze, Prof. Dr. Uta M. Feser (President of the HNU), and members of the project team: Mr Warth, Dr Klinkova and Mr Frommer