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Neu-Ulm's Lord Mayor No­er­en­berg be­comes Hon­or­ary Sen­ator of the Neu-Ulm Uni­versity

20.11.2019, Press Release :

The University of Applied Sciences Neu-Ulm (HNU) honours the extraordinary services rendered to the university by Gerold Noerenberg, Lord Mayor of Neu-Ulm. In this way, he has always been committed to a joint, mutually reinforcing development of the university and the city. To this end, the Noerenberg University of Applied Sciences is appointed honorary senator.

"The university has always been a very important part of my political work - because of its importance for the city of Neu-Ulm, but also for the region as a whole," says Noerenberg, underlining his commitment to HNU. Since its foundation in 1994, the university has developed over the years into a decisive location factor and innovation motor for Neu-Ulm. The city in turn provides the framework in which the university can develop. University and city are closely connected in many topics and projects and work together in partnership and synergy.

Noerenberg has always been happy to accompany the development of the university: "There were some moments in the history of HNU when I was just happy and very excited. One of these special moments was the day when the new building of the university was inaugurated in the presence of the then Prime Minister Beckstein. A groundbreaking moment in the history of the city of Neu-Ulm and the university". This new building - the white building - was opened in September 2018 and turned HNU into a campus university.

The honorary senatorship was conferred on the recommendation of the university management and was confirmed by the senate of the university. "It is a great honour for me to be able to make such an acknowledgement in my office as President," said Prof. Dr. Uta M. Feser. "The conferring of the honorary senatorship is not a routine matter, but rather it is certainly awarded in a hand-picked manner. The Lord Mayor of the city of Neu-Ulm has more than earned this honour for his many years of commitment."

Gerold Noerenberg may now join the circle of honorary senators of the HNU, which includes Dr. Theo Waigel (former Federal Minister of Finance), his predecessor in the Lord Mayor's Office, Dr. Beate Merk (former Minister of State), former District Administrator Joseph Erich Gessner and Dr. Rudolf Köppler, the former Mayor of Günzburg.

Vita Noerenberg

Gerold Noerenberg was born and raised in Neu-Ulm in 1957. He passed his school-leaving examination at the Lessing-Gymnasium in 1976. He then began studying law at the University of Augsburg. After graduating in 1984, he worked as a lawyer in his own law firm in Neu-Ulm. In 1996 he was elected to the city council and has since then been active in various functions in city politics. Since 2004 he has been the Lord Mayor of the large district town of Neu-Ulm. In May 2019 he announced his retirement from active politics for the following year.

Präsidentin Feser, links im Bild, übergibt an Neu-Ulms Oberbürgermeister Noerenberg die Ehrensenatorauszeichnung (opens enlarged image)
Neu-Ulms Oberbürgermeister Noerenberg wird Ehrensenator der HNU