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HNU Pro­fessor is second place in the na­tion­wide "Pro­fessor of the Year" com­pet­i­tion

19.11.2019, Press Release :

Professor Dr. Michael Gutiérrez, Professor of Business Administration at the University of Applied Sciences Neu-Ulm (HNU), has achieved second place in the category Economic Sciences/Jurisdiction in the nationwide competition "Professor of the Year 2019". A total of over 2,100 professors were nominated in four categories. The competition, which is organized by the UNICUM Foundation, is under the patronage of the German Federal Ministries of Education and Research and of Economics and Energy.

"We are extremely proud of Professor Gutiérrez' outstanding achievement," says Prof. Dr. Uta M. Feser, President of the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences. "Teaching is very important at HNU and we are very pleased that we are so successful in a nationwide comparison." The nomination of Professor Gutiérrez was supported by numerous students and graduates of HNU as well as by several companies and institutions from the Southern German region. "I would like to thank them all very much for this great support, without which this nomination would not have been possible," said Gutiérrez.

Professor Gutiérrez teaches mathematical and statistical methods in the field of Business Analytics, thus offering students an education that is both scientifically sound and practice-oriented in a promising field. He also regularly organizes a Summer and Winter School on climate change and climate protection. "I think it is important that future managers deal with this topic," says Gutiérrez. Visits to research facilities and other institutions - including the Institute for Meteorology and Climate Research/Atmospheric Environmental Research (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)), the Experimental Station for Hydraulic Engineering and Water Management at the Technical University of Munich and the Bavarian State Office for the Environment (Department of Species and Habitat Protection, Bird Protection Office) - enable practical, interactive learning and thus make a significant contribution to the success of the Summer and Winter School.

Professor Doktor Michael Gutiérrez (opens enlarged image)
Professor Dr. Michael Gutiérrez