Girls' ans Boys' Day at HNU

Learn about professions free of gender stereotypes and discover your own interests and talents:  That's what HNU offers every year on the nationwide Girls' and Boys' Day.  Pupils can get to know different areas in which their gender has so far been little represented, free of charge.

Girls' Day and Boys' Day are held annually throughout Germany to break down role stereotypes: It opens up new areas of experience for young people, regardless of gender, and enables them to make career decisions based on their own interests, talents and personal motivation. And this is of great importance, because especially future-oriented fields such as IT or the health industry are characterized by gender stereotypes. HNU participates in this campaign every year and enables young people to gain insights into the different career paths for which HNU's degree programs prepare them.

Insight into a wide range of professions: HNU's offerings on Girls' and Boys' Day

Cur­rent dates

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Con­tact per­sons

Magdalena Fremdling

Mag­dalena Frem­dling

Academic manager / Equality and diversity programme

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1411

Location: Main Building A, A.2.37

To profile of Magdalena Fremdling

Alina Geßler

Alina Geßler

Project coordinator InnoPROF

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1519

Location: Main Building A, A.2.11

To profile of Alina Geßler

About the activities of the HNU Women's Representative

The digital transformation needs the diversity and creative forces of all in study and work. Promoting the digital participation of women is therefore a central concern of the Women's Representative Prof. Dr. Claudia Kocian-Dirr. Because we are convinced that enthusiasm for the digital transformation can be awakened by role models, we present achievable role models, promote personal and professional development, and create spaces for constructive exchange. Our activities address all academic target groups, from students to lecturers and research assistants to professors. Workshops for schoolgirls complement our measures to create the basis for equal-opportunity digital participation at an early stage.