Lec­ture by HNU Pro­fessor Mario Pfannstiel in Switzer­land

22.05.2024 | TEACHING

Prof. Dr. Mario Pfannstiel traveled to Mendrisio in the Swiss canton of Ticino at the end of May to give two lectures at the Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana (SUPSI) in the Master's degree program Interaction Design in the course Multimodal Experience Design.

In the first lecture, entitled “Essentials for Mastering Service Design in Healthcare”, he conveyed basic core principles and methods of so-called service design. The focus was on understanding, analyzing and improving existing service processes. He also presented various tools and techniques for visualizing and optimizing the interaction between customers and service providers. These include, for example, the methods “Patient Journey Mapping” and “Service Blueprinting”.

The second presentation, entitled “Transforming Healthcare with Service Design-Driven Patient-Centric Solutions and Innovations”, showed how the creative redesign and adaptation of objects can be used to develop innovative solutions for previously unsolved challenges, drawing on existing resources and experience.

Collaboration with SUPSI

The cooperation with the Department of Environment Constructions and Design at SUPSI involves a book publication. Towards the end of the year, a book chapter titled 'Sparhead-Makeaware!: A Design Research Framework to Tackle Antibiotic Consumption and Resistance Through Creative Approaches of Data Co-creation' by Dr. Serena Cangiano, Dr. Ginevra Terenghi, Dr. Antonella Autuori, Ms. Zoe Romano, Mr. Matteo Subet, and Ms. Angèlie Pham will be published in the professional book 'Service Design, Creativity, and Innovation in Healthcare', edited by Prof. Pfannstiel and published by Springer Verlag.

Contact Person

Prof. Dr. Mario A. Pfannstiel (opens in a new window) is a Professor of Business Administration in Healthcare at the Faculty of Health Management at HNU.

Quelle der Abbildung: Pfannstiel M.A., 2024