Agile Com­munity

The Agile Community is integrated into a sub-project of the InnoSÜD (opens in a new window) university network. As part of the Innovative University Initiative, the universities of Biberach, Neu-Ulm, Ulm and the University of Ulm have joined forces. The aim is to facilitate a sustainable exchange between science, business and society with innovative transfer formats.

Within the CAPS sub-project, an Innovation Circle in the area of Agile Product and System Development (opens in a new window) is to be established at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences. At regular events in workshop and regulars' table format, companies have the opportunity to exchange and transfer agile knowledge.

Everyone with an interest in agile is welcome in the community, regardless of whether the company is already working with agile or whether an introduction is planned for the future.

Das Bild zeigt einen Bildausschnitt in dem vier Personen im Business Outfit sich an den Händen halten.

Would you like to be­come part of the Agile Com­munity?

Then simply take a look at our groups in LinkedIn (opens in a new window) or Xing (opens in a new window), or write us an email and take part in one of our next events without any obligation. You can find the dates here . Participation is free of charge for all formats. 
We welcome everyone who is interested in sharing agile methods!

If you have any ques­tions, please con­tact:

Professor Dr. Oliver Grieble

Pro­fessor Dr. Oliver Grieble

Head of the degree programme Business Information Systems

Dual Studies Coordinator

Head of the Competence Centre of Agile Product and System Development

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1528

Location: Main Building A, A.1.53

To profile of Professor Dr. Oliver Grieble

Info on events:

We organise regular meetings for the Agile Community. The following formats are offered:

  • Workshops
  • Roundtables
  • ScrumTables

All offers of the Agile Community are free of charge.

The event location is the university castle in Illertissen, but the community has also been invited by participants to workshops at Wieland, VR-Bank and Daimler-TSS.

Due to the current situation, all events will only take place virtually until further notice. You can find current dates here.


We regularly organize workshops around the topic of agility. The topics of the workshops are adapted to the interests and questions from the community. 

Seven workshops have already taken place:

Workshop 1: Introduction to Agile Product and Project Management with Scrum - How can I use Scrum profitably in my company?

The objective of the first workshop was the transfer of knowledge, the identification of "needs" and derived from this the follow-up activities and measures. In the first part of the event Professor Grieble gave an impulse lecture on the topic "What is Scrum?" and in the second part it went into the open discussion to find concrete topics and needs. 

Workshop 2: Handling of Agile Projects at Fixed Price | Introduction of Scrum/of Agile Projects | Roles and Organization of Scrum

In the second workshop the community was offered three different slots, which took place at the same time. In each slot there was a keynote presentation followed by a moderated discussion. Topics were as follows: Slot 1: Handling Agile Projects at Fixed Price, Slot 2: Introduction of Scrum / From Agile Project to Agile Enterprise, Slot 3: Roles and (Project) Organization of Scrum. Afterwards there was a summary of the findings for the whole community.

Workshop 3: Scaling Scrum | The Scrum Meetings in practice | Values in Scrum 

The third workshop started with a practical report from Bosch Power Tools. Afterwards, there were again three different topic slots with a keynote presentation followed by a discussion. The topics were as follows: Slot 1: Scaling Scrum, Slot 2: The Scrum Meetings (in practice), Slot 3: Values in Scrum. at the end the insights were shared with the whole community.

Workshop 4: Theme Cafés 

In the fourth workshop, five topic tables were offered, each with a host:in. The participants collected concrete questions on a wall and presented them briefly. Afterwards, the hosts took 1-3 questions from the wall. The participants then spread out around the tables and the questions were discussed in small groups. This procedure was carried out in two rounds. At the end, the results of all the thematic cafés were briefly presented by the hosts.  

Workshop 5: Agile Games

In the fifth workshop, the participants had the opportunity to try out four different agile games in small groups. Games were offered on the following topics: Team Development, Marshmallow Challenge (Scrum Workflow), Multitasking and Change of Perspective. Afterwards, there was another impulse lecture on the topic of XXX.

Workshop 6: Online Workshop - Insights and Results from the Roundtables 2020

The sixth workshop conditionally Corona took place online for the first time. The findings and results from the previous roundtables were presented. The thematic blocks were as follows: Agile project management, role understanding in working with Scrum, pricing, impediment backlog, and innovation. 

Workshop 7: Virtual Workshop in the InnoSÜD Spaces: Introduction to Design Science Research | Topic Identification Workshop for 2021

For the seventh workshop, the community met in the virtual spaces, the InnoSÜD Spaces. In the first part of the workshop, Professor Grieble gave an impulse lecture on the research method Design Science Research. In the second part, a topic identification workshop was held and all participants:inside collected their topic suggestions and questions for the year 2021 on an interactive whiteboard. These topics will be included for the upcoming events.

Round tables

The round tables are a format in which participants work in small groups on various agile topics. Different blocks of topics are offered and you can register for one or more.  The idea is that the participants organise themselves. For each round table, a member of the community takes on the role of owner, who is responsible for organising, moderating and summarising and presenting the findings.

The round tables have already taken place three times.

Topic blocks 2020:

  • Agile project management
  • Understanding roles in working with Scrum
  • Pricing
  • Impediment Backlog 
  • Innovation

Topic blocks 2021:

  • Agile Teams
  • Agile Games 
  • Development of research fields
  • Agile meets Business


The ScrumTables is a regulars' table format to get to know the community personally and to talk about your own experiences over a beer or wine. Welcome are all those who are already working agile in their company, but also all those who are planning to do so or are simply curious.

Four regulars' tables have already taken place. In addition to the opportunity to exchange ideas, there was also an impulse lecture on design thinking at one meeting.

Up­com­ing dates

At the moment we have no news

News from the Agile Com­munity

At the moment we have no news