Dy­namic Truck Meet­ing

The aim of the DTM project was to develop a provider-independent process and information exchange standard for the realization of dynamic encounter traffic with the help of telematics and dispatching systems.
In an encounter traffic, two or more trucks exchange their cargo (i.e. usually the entire trailer or swap body with cargo) at an encounter location to be determined and then deliver the cargo of the encounter partner at the destination, which is usually close to their own starting point or home location. The procedures required for this have been standardised in a process model and can be supported by telematics and dispatching systems in accordance with the interface standard defined in the project. In this way, dynamic encounter traffic can be implemented as effectively and cost-effectively as possible. The planning of the dynamic encounter transports and the necessary data exchange between the participating forwarding agencies is mainly carried out by the respective disposition systems. The telematics systems are used both for communication between the dispatching system of a forwarding agency and the respective own truck and for vehicle location by means of GPS.

Project manager: Prof. Dr. Oliver Kunze, Competence Centre Logistics in cooperation with regional companies

Duration: 2010 to2012

Funding: by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology

Final Report: Part 1 (opens in a new window) and Part 2 (opens in a new window)

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Pro­fessor Dr. Oliver Kunze

Head of the Centre for Logistics
Dean of Studies of the Department of Business and Economics

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1418

Location: Main Building A, A.2.42

To profile of Professor Dr. Oliver Kunze