Char­ac­ter­isa­tion of Freight Trans­port­a­tion Mod­els

Dear Visitor
This page contains the results of our research project "Characterization of Freight Transportation Models" CFTM. This research project was conducted by researchers from TUM Create (Singapore), TUM Technische Universität München (Germany), NTU Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) and Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) (Germany). The results of this research project were presented at mobil.TUM 2013, ITS for Connected Mobility, June 18 & 19 2013, Munich, Germany.

After entering you contact data in the contact form below, you may download
• our conference paper,
• the factsheets
• the overview table and
• a template to create new factsheets.

We are aware that we have not covered all existing freight transportation models, and that there may be room for improvement in the factsheets. Therefore we kindly invite you to send in your comments or contributions to:

We intend to consolidate your contributions, and update the relevant documents as needed on a semi-annual basis by means of publishing revised versions of the documents here.

Kind regards
Tharsis Teoh (TUM Create)
Felix Lindemann (HNU)
Prof. Dr. Chee-Chong Teo (NTU)
Prof. Dr. Gebhard Wulfhorst (TUM)
Prof. Dr. Oliver Kunze (HNU)

Con­tact data form

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Since we respect your privacy and personal sphere, we use your personal data exclusively for the following purposes:

  • Dispatch of the desired information material
  • Statistical analysis

The use of the information is only to the extent necessary for this purpose. Your contact details will only be used for correspondence with you. All data collected by us will not be passed on to third parties, except for possible legal obligations, and will not be used for any other purposes than those mentioned above.

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Upon request, we will inform you immediately in writing whether and which personal data we have stored about you. If incorrect information has been stored, we will correct it immediately. You also have the right to revoke your consent to the collection, processing and use of your personal data at any time. We will then block or delete them immediately.


Pro­fessor Dr. Oliver Kunze

Head of the Centre for Logistics
Dean of Studies of the Department of Business and Economics

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1418

Location: Main Building A, A.2.42

To profile of Professor Dr. Oliver Kunze