ISUL In­tern­ship abroad for HNU stu­dents and alumni

Go abroad with the ISUL schol­ar­ship

Through the DAAD’s (opens in a new window)funding programme “International Startup League (opens in a new window)” we can award scholarships for internships abroad to HNU students. HNU graduates can also apply if it has been only 24 months since their graduation at the start of their internship. The scholarship covers travel and accommodation costs in the chosen country for one or two months. In 2024, we can support a one-month internship and a two-month internship with our scholarship. The internships can take place in the following countries: Finland, Switzerland, Belgium, Austria, Greece, Canada, Chile or Israel.

Explore a new country during your internship abroad

Schol­ar­ship for stu­dents

Who can apply for the scholarship?

  • Bachelor and Master students as well as graduates

What is supported?

  • A one-month internship
  • A two-month internship
  • The start date of the internship is arranged individually between the intern and the company
  • Scholarship amount (lump sum):
    • Austria: 1.000€ stay/month + 225€ travel
    • Belgium: 1.075€ stay/month + 225€ travel
    • Switzerland: 1.225€ stay/month + 250€ travel
    • Finland: 1.150€ stay/month + 325€ travel
    • Greece: 1.050€ stay/month + 425€ travel
    • Israel: 1.325€ stay/month + 600€ travel
    • Canada: 1.050€ stay/month + 1.175€ travel
    • Chile: 1.150€ stay/month + 1.425€ travel
  • The overall prices are fixed by the DAAD for each destination country. If the entire amount is not spent on the stay/travel, the scholarship holder may keep the remaining amount

  • After completion of the internship, the internship company must provide the intern with written confirmation of the internship, including the duration of the internship (e.g. in the form of an internship certificate)

  • Presence stays must start before December 1 of each year

In­form­a­tion about the Schol­ar­ship

Finding an internship abroad

Internships abroad can be found, for example, via the HNU university job exchange (opens in a new window). The HNU International Office also provides a lot of information (opens in a new window) about internships abroad. 


Amount of funding
Payment = mobility allowance + daily/monthly accommodation allowance

The lump sums are determined by the DAAD on a country-specific basis

Example: One month internship in Austria as a student = 225€ mobility allowance + 1.000€ residence allowance = 1.225€ in one payment.
As this is a lump sum grant, individual expenses (e.g. flight/train ticket, hotel, participation fee) are not reimbursed, but are already covered by the scholarship payment.

Ap­plic­a­tion for the in­tern­ship schol­ar­ship

1. Send application

  • Send application documents for the scholarship to incl. internship confirmation and certificate of enrolment from HNU

2. Interview 

  • After successful review of your documents, a short interview will be conducted via Zoom
  • If the interview was successful, you will receive a scholarship contract with the HNU

3. Receipt of the scholarship

  • HNU and the scholarship holder sign the scholarship agreement
  • The funding is transferred to the scholarship holder's account

4. Documentation of your stay

  • Confirmation of Stay (you will receive the template from us - please have it signed during the internship), alternatively internship certificate
  • Experience report (approx. 650 words) and declaration of consent for publication on the HNU website and on the ISUL-LinkedIn page, to be submitted no later than 2 weeks after the end of the internship period

Please note: Programs that are already funded by DAAD, BayCHINA, BayIND, Erasmus+ or similar funding programs are excluded from this scholarship. It is not possible for foreign students to receive funding for their stay in their home country.