VACE - Emo­tions in Speech

Participants wanted!

As part of a research project, Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences is looking for test persons who can provide voice recordings for analysis purposes.

The Voice Analysis for Customer Emotions (VACE) project is concerned with the technically supported analysis of emotions in spoken language. For this exciting and complex field of research, we need high-quality recordings of human voices.

We are therefore looking for interested people to help us collect data in an experiment. 

Each participant will receive an Amazon voucher worth €10.00.

The experiment will take the form of a debating club: The test subjects are asked to give a 3-5 minute pro or con speech on a randomly selected popular topic after a short preparation time. The pro or con role is determined at random; preparation for the topic is not necessary.

The audio stream of the event will be recorded and analysed as part of the research project. A short questionnaire will then be completed. The data will be analysed anonymously. 

The total duration of the experiment is around 15 minutes.

The experiment takes place online via Skype or Zoom, depending on the agreement. In-person sessions are also possible. The exact dates will be agreed directly with the registered participants.

If we have aroused your interest, please contact us briefly by
Email: vace[at]hnu[dot]de (opens in a new window) or Instagram (opens in a new window).

Professor Dr. Heiko Gewald

[Trans­late to Eng­lish:] Pro­jektlei­tung: Pro­fessor Dr. Heiko Ge­wald

Research Professor of Information Management

Director of the Institute for Digital Innovation (IDI)

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1521

Location: Main Building A, A.1.55

To profile of Professor Dr. Heiko Gewald