Tech­no­logy Be­ha­viour Re­search - mHealth

In the current 2020-2023 programme, the focus is on technology behaviour research of seniors in the digitalisation of healthcare. The aim is to identify and scrutinise obstacles that prevent older people from using health technologies and to understand their needs and requirements so that a new healthcare model can ultimately be developed in collaboration with the Aged Care Evaluation and Research (ACER) team at the Australian Institute of Health Innovation (AIHI) at Macquarie University (MQ) that is specially adapted to the needs of older people.

Particular emphasis is placed on cross-national comparison. The expertise of the Institute for Digital Innovation (IDI) HNU in empirical research and theory development will be combined with the possibility of data and patient access from the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Human Sciences at MQ. In particular, the focus is on qualitative and social psychological research to understand certain characteristics of older people. The aim of this work is to carry out a mixed methods assessment of the use of information technologies by older people using the prism of the main existing models of technology acceptance.

To finalise the research, a single thesis will be produced and submitted for a single review process agreed by both universities. This may be either a University process or a merged process containing elements of both.


Professor Dr. Heiko Gewald

Pro­fessor Dr. Heiko Ge­wald

Research Professor of Information Management

Director of the Institute for Digital Innovation (IDI)

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1521

Location: Main Building A, A.1.55

To profile of Professor Dr. Heiko Gewald

Tanja Schröder

Tanja Schröder

Research Assistent eHealth / HealthIT