Im­pulse Present­a­tion by HNU Pro­fessor Mario Pfannstiel in Ber­lin

05.06.2024 | TRANSFER

In an online impulse presentation on June 5 on the topic of “Innovative trends in medical device development”, Prof. Dr. Pfannstiel presented innovative ideas and lines of development for medical devices that offer promising potential for significant progress and a sustainable improvement in healthcare in the civilian sector.

A topic that also arouses great interest in the German Armed Forces. The presentation took place as part of the multi-group meeting on the digitalization of healthcare in the German Armed Forces (MultiGrp Digit GesVers Bw) at BwConsulting in Berlin. The participants included doctors and medical informaticians from the Federal Ministry of Defence (BMVg), the Medical Service Command (KdoSanDstBw), and the military hospitals.

The German Armed Forces are continuously investing in the integration of state-of-the-art technologies in order to continually improve the healthcare of their soldiers and provide them with cutting-edge medical care that meets the requirements of a demanding operational environment.

The impulse presentation was followed by a lively discussion on the use and areas of application of new, innovative medical products. Various questions were discussed in this debate:  How do the target groups of medical devices in the civilian sector differ from those in the German Armed Forces? Where is there a need to promote and implement innovative medical products?

The focus was on the importance of integrating state-of-the-art technologies into the medical care of troops. It was emphasized that a variety of medical devices provides an overview of possible areas of application, but that in actual use a standardized product is best suited to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of medical interventions. The participants recognized opportunities in some digital and innovative solutions that could also make life easier for medical professionals and thus increase responsiveness in medical care.

Contact Person

Prof. Dr. Mario A. Pfannstiel (opens in a new window) is a Professor of Healthcare Management at HNU's Faculty of Health Management.

Source of the photo: Pfannstiel M.A., 2024