HNU pro­fessor again a juror for the Bav­arian SME Award

21.06.2024 | PRESS RELEASE

HNU Professor Dr. Mario A. Pfannstiel Appointed to the Jury of the Bavarian SME Award for the Third Time

HNU Professor Dr. Mario A. Pfannstiel has been appointed to the jury of the Bavarian SME Award for the third time. He was selected due to his extensive experience and expertise in healthcare management to evaluate the nominated small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The Bavarian SME Award is one of the most prestigious awards for SMEs in Bavaria and is considered an important indicator of economic success in the region.

The nominations for the Bavarian SME Award are made by an independent jury consisting of experts and industry insiders. The nominated companies are evaluated based on various criteria, including future viability and innovation, robustness and resilience, sustainability and responsibility, and attractiveness. Prof. Dr. Mario A. Pfannstiel will particularly ensure that the companies stand out for their innovation, sustainability, and social responsibility.

The award ceremony will take place on June 28, 2024, at the Münchner Künstlerhaus in Munich and will provide the winners with the opportunity to network with other successful companies and establish new business contacts.

For more information about the Bavarian SME Award, visit (opens in a new window).

Contact Person:

Prof. Dr. Mario A. Pfannstiel (opens in a new window) is a Professor of Business Administration in Healthcare at the Faculty of Healthcare Management at HNU.

Source: Pfannstiel M.A. (2024)