ISUL Guest Lec­tur­ers In­com­ing

Through the International Startup League (opens in a new window) (ISUL) we can award the following scholarships to guest lecturers from HNU partner universities:

Schol­ar­ships for guest lec­tur­ers

Who is sponsored?

  • Lecturers from ISUL partner universities of the HNU (see list below)

What is supported?

  • Guest lectureship at HNU for 2 weeks.
    • 2024: All scholarships have already been distributed
    • 2025: Two scholarships for professors from ISUL partner universities
  • Funding period: 2 weeks
  • Scholarship amount: 575€ per week for the stay in Germany + an additional travel allowance depending on the distance to Germany
  • We cover up to 200€ in health insurance for visiting professors
  • Presence stays must start before the 1st of November each year

For more detailed information, please contact us via mail at isul[at]hnu[dot]de and we will schedule a virtual meeting to discuss details.