In­form­a­tion Man­age­ment

The three areas of Business Administration, Information Management and Communication prepare students for a professional future in the information management sector. Thanks to innovative teaching and practice-oriented research, the Faculty of Information Management is equally attractive to students and companies regionally, nationally and internationally.

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Bach­elor's de­gree pro­grammes

Di­gital En­ter­prise Man­age­ment (BSc)

The world as you like it - in this practice-oriented degree programme you will receive forward-looking training in the areas of management, digitalisation and innovation.

Game Pro­duc­tion and Man­age­ment (BA)

Entry into the gaming industry: Combine business know-how with game production and management and become part of a booming future industry!

Health In­form­at­ics (BSc) (part-time)

Would you like to actively drive the digital transformation in the healthcare sector, especially in hospitals, and combine your studies with your IT practice right from the start and earn money in the process?

In­form­a­tion Man­age­ment Auto­mot­ive (BSc)

Being there when an industry changes radically: "IMA" teaches a mix of business administration and information technology with a focus on the automotive industry and the mobility of the future.

In­form­a­tion Man­age­ment and Cor­por­ate Com­mu­nic­a­tions (BA)

Combining business studies with IT and communication & design: Study in an interdisciplinary way and secure yourself a wide range of job opportunities and top career prospects.

Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence and In­form­a­tion Man­age­ment (BSc)

Design innovative digital products with artificial intelligence - find your vocation with the practice-oriented degree programme with a focus on artificial intelligence, data science, information management, software engineering, cyber security and digital transformation.

Busi­ness In­form­a­tion Sys­tems (BSc)

Actively shaping the digital transformation: Business Information Systems is a unique combination of business studies, IT and project management. Excellent career prospects are waiting in the booming IT industry.

Sys­tems En­gin­eer­ing (BEng)

Dual part-time study: 3 days working, 2 days studying. Systems Engineering combines future-oriented networking of systems with economic know-how. The advantages: Extra practice and a secure income.

Mas­ter's de­gree pro­grammes

Ar­ti­fi­cial In­tel­li­gence and Data Ana­lyt­ics (MSc)

Business studies, IT and management skills in one master's degree: You will learn how to use business intelligence and analytics to manage and control the economic performance of companies.

Di­gital Trans­form­a­tion and Global En­tre­pren­eur­ship (MSc)

English-speaking, international, online-based - welcome to the future! For this, we equip you with competences in the areas of global entrepreneurship, digital transformation and research.

Stra­tegic In­form­a­tion Man­age­ment (MSc)

Using information as a resource for business: International Enterprise Information Management teaches how to design and manage the information systems and technologies required for digitisation.

Com­mu­nic­a­tion & Design for Sus­tain­ab­il­ity (MA)

Shaping the future sustainably: Designing transformations, communicating them, and involving everyone concerned - in society, business, and politics.

In­ter­na­tional Cor­por­ate Com­mu­nic­a­tion and Me­dia Man­age­ment (MA)

Targeted use of media in the digital age: The programme qualifies students for international leadership and management positions in the field of corporate communications and media management.

Di­gital In­nov­a­tion Man­age­ment (MSc)

Innovative, practice-oriented, shaping the future - develop internationally sought-after core competences for the booming labour market of digitalisation.

In­ter­na­tional En­tre­pren­eur­ship, Di­git­al­iz­a­tion and Sus­tain­ab­il­ity (MSc)

The double degree programme provides students with the skills they need to work in international companies. The main topics of the programme are: Entrepreneurship, digitalisation, sustainability and research.

Post­gradu­ate stud­ies in our fur­ther edu­ca­tion pro­gramme

Man­age­ment, Di­git­al­isa­tion and Sus­tain­ab­il­ity (BA)

This degree programme is aimed at professionals from a commercial or IT-oriented environment who are preparing for a management position in the field of digitalisation and would like to gain further qualifications in business administration.

Di­gital Lead­er­ship and IT Man­age­ment (MBA)

The degree programme is aimed at management and management trainees, IT-oriented professionals and company owners with a completed first degree who would like to gain further qualifications in the technology-oriented field while working.

Gen­eral Man­age­ment (MBA)

The degree programme is aimed at professionals with a completed first degree who wish to qualify for management and leadership positions.

In­sti­tutes & Com­pet­ence Centres

Rep­res­ent­at­ive of the sci­entific de­part­ment

Professor Dr. Achim Dehnert

Pro­fessor Dr. Achim Dehnert

Dean of the Department of Information Management

Academic Advisor for Information Management Automotive

Head of the degree programme MBA Digital Leadership und IT-Management

Data protection officer of the faculties

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1500

Location: Main Building A, A.1.45

To profile of Professor Dr. Achim Dehnert

Cath­rin Steimann

Front Office Assistant to the Scientific department of Information Management

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1501

Location: Main Building A, A.1.44

To profile of Cathrin Steimann

News from the sci­entific de­part­ment