Health Man­age­ment

We train experts with a mix of economic, information technology, medical and health and nursing science knowledge, who are practically prepared for controlling and leading tasks at the management level of companies in the booming health industry.

Dates & Events

Bach­elor's de­gree pro­grammes

Busi­ness Stud­ies in Health­care Man­age­ment (BA)

Shaping the healthcare of tomorrow: Combining economic know-how with innovative and patient-oriented applications in the healthcare sector and becoming part of a growth industry.

Health In­form­at­ics (BSc) (part-time)

Would you like to actively drive the digital transformation in the healthcare sector, especially in hospitals, and combine your studies with your IT practice right from the start and earn money in the process?

Di­gital Man­age­ment in Medi­cine and Care (BSc)

Supporting medical action through digitalization and management: This degree program is versatile, cutting-edge and prepares students for a very exciting profession.

In­form­a­tion Man­age­ment in Health­care (BSc)

Three sciences in one degree programme: actively promoting digitisation in the healthcare sector with the unique combination of medicine, computer science and business studies.

Phys­i­cian As­sist­ant (BSc)

Combining medical know-how with digitalisation and management: Physician Assistants work closely with doctors and make a decisive contribution to continuous and high-quality patient care.

Mas­ter's de­gree pro­grammes

Di­gital Health­care Man­age­ment (MA)

As a Master Digital Health Management you are prepared for the digitalisation of the health industry. You will become a professional in digitalisation, the working world 4.0 and healthcare processes.

Post­gradu­ate stud­ies in our fur­ther edu­ca­tion pro­gramme

Man­age­ment for Health and Care Pro­fes­sions (B.A.)

The study programme is aimed at employees in health care professions who are preparing for a management position or who would like to gain further qualifications in business administration.

MBA Lead­er­ship and Man­age­ment in Health Care

The study programme is aimed at all employees in the healthcare sector (e.g. doctors, nursing staff, pharmaceutical representatives) who would like to continue their education through part-time studies.

Gen­eral Man­age­ment (MBA)

The degree programme is aimed at professionals with a completed first degree who wish to qualify for management and leadership positions.

In­sti­tutes & Com­pet­ence Centres

Rep­res­ent­at­ive of the sci­entific de­part­ment

[Translate to English:]

Pro­fessor Dr. Axel Fo­cke

Chairman of the Senate
Member of the examination board
Head of the study programme and advisor for the study programme Information Management in Health Care Management at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1605

Location: Main Building B, B.2.04

To profile of Professor Dr. Axel Focke

News from the sci­entific de­part­ment