Di­gital Health­care Man­age­ment (MA)

Start of programme
Language of instruction
Programme duration
3 full-time semesters, 90 ECTS
Master of Arts

The healthcare industry is becoming more digital: the Master Digital Health Management prepares you for this in a multidisciplinary education. As future healthcare professionals and managers, you will gain in-depth knowledge in the areas of digitalisation, working world 4.0 and in the processes of healthcare.

During the Master's degree programme, you will learn the necessary techniques and skills to shape the increasingly complex structures of the healthcare sector with the help of digital media in a way that is fit for the future. You are thus ideally prepared for responsible leadership and management tasks in the health sector or further academic qualification within the framework of a doctoral programme.

Our Master's programme is aimed at graduates of business administration, information technology and health science Bachelor's programmes.

Ad­mis­sion and ap­plic­a­tion

Ad­mis­sion re­quire­ments

  • Completed university studies with at least 210 ECTS (University degree does not reach 210 ECTS)
  • Grade 2.5 or better
  • At least 5 ECTS each in Fundamentals of Business Administration, Information Systems, Health Economics/Health Sciences and at least 10 ECTS in Mathematics/Statistics/Methods
  • For international applicants: German B2
    (The language certificate must be presented at the latest at the time of enrolment).
  • The programme is approval-free

Ap­plic­a­tion period

Winter semester: 02.05. – 31.08.

For non-EU applicants:
Winter semester: 02.05. – 15.07.

The programme is only offered in the winter semester.

Ap­plic­a­tion portal

Please use the application portal by the above deadlines to apply to this programme.

Ques­tions about ad­mis­sion and ap­plic­a­tion

How do I apply for the programme?

To apply for this master program you have to register at the online portal (opens in a new window) on our website. Unfortunately it is not possible to check the content without an application. Detailed application deadlines can be found on this page in the "Admission and application" section.

The following documents must be submitted by the application deadline at the latest:

  • Application form
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Acopy of your high school certificate
  • A copy of your Bachelor's degree with at least 210 ECTS and a final grade of 2.3 or better. It is necessary that you complete your Bachelor's degree before the application deadline. If this cannot be submitted, you can also submit a certificate from your university about the expected final average grade (4.0 certificate) in advance. This certificate must show that you have successfully completed all examinations, that you have submitted your Bachelor's thesis and that it has been evaluated with at least 4.0.
  • For international applicants we require additional proof of German language skills at level B2; we need the language certificate at the latest for enrolment 
  • All applicants who have not obtained their Bachelor's degree in Germany must upload their certificates via the uni-assist online portal for further checks. Detailed information on the required documents can be found on the website www.uni-assist.de

Further information on application and admission for International degree seeking students can be found on the following page: Application for international students

How can I improve my bachelor grade? (Admission test: TM-WISO)

It is optionally possible to take a voluntary entrance test (TM-WISO) to improve the bachelor's degree grade.

In principle, the test can be taken as long as you wish before you start your studies or complete your bachelor's degree. It is valid for all future applications. At HNU, you will achieve the following with the test: If you belong to the best 60%, your Bachelor final grade will be improved by 0.3, if you belong to the best 50% by 0.5 and if you belong to the best 40% even by 0.7.

For more information about the test, visit the Institute's site:
Institute for Test and Talent Research (opens in a new window)

The registration for the test "TM-WISO" is possible on the following page of the institute:
Registration for TM-WISO (opens in a new window)

I did not earn the required 210 ECTS credits with my degree. What can I do?

The following text provides an overview of the key points from the Enrollment Statutes. In case of deviations, the text of the enrollment statutes is binding.

In the case of a Bachelor's degree with only 180 ECTS credits, the existing qualification gap of 30 ECTS credits must be filled by proving or successfully completing one of the following prior achievements:

  • Co-authorship of a research publication in English (research paper).
  • At least 6 months of verifiable full-time professional experience after obtaining the bachelor's degree in an occupation relevant to the study content of the degree program (evidence by employment contract and/or employment references)
  • Successful completion of an admission examination in the form of a written scientific paper in English. You apply for participation informally in English and exclusively by e-mail by the end of the respective application deadline.
  • Proof of additional subjects taken to the extent of 30 ECTS from a previous degree program.

Please contact the head of the study program for the provision of such proof.

About the pro­gramme

Contents of the degree programme

In this Master's programme, students learn to understand processes and interrelationships in the health care market and to evaluate them from a health economics perspective. We teach them how they can participate in the conception and implementation of innovative care and business models through the use and development of digital solutions. In their professional life, they can then apply digital technologies in a meaningful way based on this.

The contents of the degree programme include:

  • Management of Healthcare Services, eHealth and Market Access, Digital Working World (Work 4.0).
  • Innovation Project 1 and 2, Innovation and Technology Management, Business Models and Entrepreneurship in a digital Healthcare Market
  • Application Systems of Digital Care Management, Digital Process Modelling, Data Science Management
  • Methods, Ethics, Master's Thesis and Master's Seminar

Structure of the degree programme

Semester 1:
  • Management von Gesundheitsdienstleistungen
  • Methoden
  • Anwendungssysteme des digitalen Versorgungsmanagements
  • eHealth und Marktzugang
  • Ethik
  • Innovationsprojekt 1
Semester 2:
  • Digitale Arbeitswelt (Arbeit 4.0)
  • Datenwissenschaftliches Management
  • Geschäftsmodelle und Entrepreneurship in einem digitalen Gesundheitsmarkt
  • Innovations- und Technologiemanagement
  • Digitale Prozessmodellierung
  • Innovationsprojekt 2
Semester 3:
  • Masterarbeit mit Seminar

Special features

  • Interdisciplinary and inter-professional orientation
  • Lecturers with practical experience
  • In-depth knowledge of digitalisation in the health industry
  • Targeted preparation for the requirements in the health market
  • Acquisition of leadership skills in the working world 4.0
  • Digital competences in innovative technologies and processes

Career perspectives

You will have the opportunity to acquire a wide range of skills that will enable you to work at the interface between medicine, IT and management. You will be able to lead teams, to manage projects and to change processes. This provides the ideal basis for exciting jobs in hospitals, outpatient centres, care facilities, rehabilitation clinics, public/governmental institutions (authorities, associations), health insurance companies, pharmaceutical, medical technology, consulting and IT companies and as a junior scientist in R&D institutions.

Examples of new professions are:

  • Digital Health Architects: with a focus on change management and digital transformation in institutions.
  • Digital Health Process Manager: with a focus on process and project management in healthcare
  • Solution Builder eHealth: with focus on application of digital and innovative health technologies
  • Digital Healthcare Designer: with focus on development of innovative products and services
  • Digital Healthcare Analyst: with focus on performance management and business intelligence
  • Manager Digital HR: with a focus on human resources management and shaping the digital working world

The healthcare sector is the largest employer in Germany and in Europe.

Internships and stays abroad

The programme is very practice-oriented with case studies and project work within the modules. The Master's thesis is scheduled for the 3rd semester. An international perspective is introduced through the involvement of foreign lecturers. Due to the short duration of the programme, stays abroad are not planned, but are recommended and supported by the HNU.

Language of instruction

The language of instruction in this degree programme is German. Occasionally, lectures may be held in English, e.g. when using guest lecturers from abroad.


Contributions and fees

There are no tuition fees. A semester fee (administrative fees and solidarity fee) is charged per semester. Information on this can be found on the page "HNU - Fees and Re-registration (opens in a new window)".


The degree programme is accredited by the "Central Evaluation and Accreditation Agency" (ZEvA).

Accreditation certifies that the programme meets quality standards and is suitable for achieving the qualification objectives. Accreditation thus serves as a signal for the high quality of a degree programme (programme accreditation) or of the university and its quality management as a whole (system accreditation).

Further information on accreditation:
Central Evaluation and Accreditation Agency (ZEvA) (opens in a new window)

In­form­a­tion events on the de­gree pro­gramme

In Kürze werden wir neue Infoabendtermine für den Studiengang an dieser Stelle veröffentlichen.


All study doc­u­ments

Also of in­terest

Prac­tical pro­jects by stu­dents

(opens in a new window)

At HNU, you apply your theoretical knowledge directly in practical projects with companies. Find out more about interesting practical projects by students at HNU.

In­sti­tut for Net­worked Health

Health needs networking - internationally, between the individual sectors or between the various organisations and companies in the health industry. Find out more about the institute at HNU.

In­ter­na­tional Of­fice

You come from abroad and are planning to study at the HNU? The International Office will provide you with information on organisational issues such as visas, accommodation, health insurance, financing, working, etc. You will also find an overview of your most important contacts.

Voices about the de­gree pro­gramme

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