Gen­eral stu­dent coun­selling

In terms of studying, you have to make some big and some small decisions for your future. Sometimes you may encounter obstacles on your way.

The Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences offers a wide range of advisory services so that you can take all relevant aspects into account when making your decisions. So that someone can help you if you need to avoid or overcome obstacles.

Gen­eral study coun­selling

Which de­gree pro­gramme suits me?

Especially if you still have "no plan" where your path should lead you, the General Student Advisory Service will help you to sound out the possibilities and narrow them down a bit.

What is im­port­ant to us for you?

  • 1

    We advise you confidentially: Absolute confidentiality is a matter of course. Even within the university, no one (such as examination offices and professors) will find out about your concerns and problems without your consent.

  • 2

    We advise you with an open mind: The decisive factor is what suits you in your individual situation. It does not matter to us whether, as a result, your future path will lead via HNU or whether it will continue elsewhere for you.

Coun­selling from the Neu-Ulm Em­ploy­ment Agency

The study and careers counsellor at the Neu-Ulm Employment Agency offers on-site appointments at HNU for

  • Prospective students who would like to orientate themselves
  • Students who are not sure whether they can or want to continue their studies


  •  14.6. 20024 | 28.6.2024 | 26.07.2024 | 12.7.2024 | 8.10.2024 | 22.10.2024 | 5.11.2024 | 26.11.2024 | 14.1.2025 | 25.2.2025
  •  each from 10-12 am

Room A.1.09 (HNU main building Wileystraße 1)
without appointment

Doris Kroha, counsellor for academic professions
Phone: 0800/4 5555 00 (free of charge)
E-Mail: Doris Kroha (opens in a new window)

Neu-Ulm Employment Agency
Reuttier Street 39
89231 Neu-Ulm

Coun­selling at HNU

Aca­demic coun­selling

You can find the contact persons for subject-related study guidance on the respective page of the degree programme in the section "For questions about the degree programme".

Coun­selling in case of study doubts and dro­pout

Are you having problems with your studies?
Are you in doubt about your choice of study or are you thinking of dropping out of your current studies?

A wide variety of questions can arise:

  •  Is there an alternative course of study for me?
  •  Is vocational training the better choice for me at the moment?
  •  Where are suitable and available training positions?
  •  How do I write a good and convincing application?
  •  Where can I find further help?

The right place to go
For an initial overview of your situation, the General Student Advisory Service is the right place to go. There you can find out to what extent it is still possible to successfully complete your studies, whether it makes sense for you to change your degree programme, for example, which life goals you are pursuing and whether a degree programme is really necessary for this, or whether there are alternative ways to reach your goal.

External counselling services
Another option is external counselling services for students who have doubts about their studies. Appointments are offered, for example, by the career and study counselling centre of the employment agency, bfz Kempten and the Ulm Chamber of Industry and Commerce.

Coun­selling ser­vices

Career and study counseling at the employment agency

The study and careers counsellor at the Neu-Ulm Employment Agency offers on-site appointments at HNU for

  • Prospective students who would like to orientate themselves
  • Students who are not sure whether they can or want to continue their studies

The counselling service also offers support for

  • Doubts as to whether a degree programme is the right educational path
  • Doubts about having chosen the right degree programme
  •  Reorientation in the event of dropping out of a degree programme
  •  Information on training and further education and dual study programmes
  •  Special study or career-related test procedures (carried out by the employment agency's vocational psychology service)
  •  Optimisation of your application documents

Current dates

  •  28.6.2024 | 26.07.2024 | 12.7.2024 | 8.10.2024 | 22.10.2024 | 5.11.2024 | 26.11.2024 | 14.1.2025 | 25.2.2025
  • each from 10-12 am

Room A.1.09 (HNU main building Wileystraße 1)
without appointment

Doris Kroha

Counsellor for academic professions
Telephone: 0800/4 5555 00 (free of charge)
e-mail: Doris Kroha

Employment Agency Neu-Ulm
Reuttier Street 39
89231 Neu-Ulm

bfz Kempten

The drop-out counselling and training acquisition. Using skills from your studies successfully even after dropping out.

Counselling on alternative career options and coaching for students who are on the verge of dropping out.
A university entrance qualification and time spent studying will help you advance in your career. Competences acquired during studies are the basis for successfully passing vocational training and for taking further advanced training examinations.
There are various ways to successfully use acquired experience and skills in a vocational training programme.

We are happy to advise and support you

  • Initial interview about your profile: Your qualifications, your motivations, your ideas and the requirements of dual training.
  • Application process: Review of application documents, support with research for internships and training, information on interviews and assessment centres.
  • Planning your education and training: Creditability of qualifications acquired during studies, advice on financing and funding options (e.g. Aufstiegs-BAföG), shortened training options.

Have we piqued your interest? Then make an appointment.

Daniela Auerbacher

Student advisor
Phone: 0831 52149-58
E-mail: Daniela Auerbacher

Vocational Training Centres of Bavarian Industry (bfz) gemeinnützige GmbH
Keselstrasse 14a
87435 Kempten

Al­ex­an­dra Vo­gler

Student advisor
Phone: 0831 52149-58
E-mail: Alexandra Vogler

Vocational Training Centres of Bavarian Industry (bfz) gemeinnützige GmbH
Keselstrasse 14a
87435 Kempten


Dropping out of studies - a chance for change: drop-out counselling at the Ulm Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK).

Studying is not the right thing? Can you make a career without studying? And what prospects does dual training offer?

The decisive point is that dropping out of university does not mean the end of a successful future. On the contrary, dual training offers a good alternative. The point is to show you opportunities to make a career in the right education system for you.

In this regard, the IHK supports dropouts and those who doubt their studies with a counselling offer on new perspectives, in analysing competences, counselling on dual training occupations or courses of study, information on available training positions as well as information on a shortened in-company training. The counselling appointment is adapted to your needs.

Have we aroused your interest? Then make an appointment.

Si­bel Elshof

Student advisor

Franziska Henzl

Ulm Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Olgastrasse 95-101
89073 Ulm