Di­gital Man­age­ment in Medi­cine and Care (BSc)

Start of programme
Winter and summer semesters
Language of instruction
Programme duration
7 full-time semesters or 14 part-time semesters, 210 ECTS
Bachelor of Science

What will healthcare look like in the future?

How can digital technologies such as apps and the like be used in medicine? What tools can be used to improve communication between patients and the medical and nursing team? And: How can I make a lasting difference in the healthcare system?

Our degree programme prepares you for these questions in an interdisciplinary education. The lectures are composed of the fields of medicine and nursing, informatics as well as management in healthcare. As a graduate, you can thus be employed at the interface of IT and management in healthcare. You can be involved in the processes of patient care and thus work comparatively close to patients.

Ad­mis­sion and ap­plic­a­tion

Ad­mis­sion re­quire­ments

  • At least an entrance qualification for higher education in universities of applied sciences in Bavaria
  • For international applicants: German language skills on level C1
  • The programme is approval-free

Ap­plic­a­tion peri­ods

Winter semester: 02.05. – 15.07. 
extended to 31.08.
Summer semester: 15.11. – 15.01.

Ap­plic­a­tion portal

Please use the application portal by the above deadlines to apply to this programme.

About the pro­gramme

Contents of the degree programme

This degree programme is divided into four content areas:

In the area of medicine and nursing, students receive an introduction to anatomy and physiology and learn about the most important clinical pictures. In addition, students are introduced to the German health care system. This area includes lectures such as Medicine and Nursing I and II, Health Economics, Medical Controlling, Information Management, and Application Systems in Health Care.

In the IT area, students learn to evaluate current and future information technologies and can develop simple apps and applications themselves. For this purpose, basics such as databases, programme development, as well as data protection and data security are taught. This is supplemented by application-oriented specialist knowledge such as IT project management, requirements analysis and process modelling.

In the area of business administration, management skills related to the health sector are taught. This enables graduates to be employed in many business management functions in the health sector and to classify and evaluate changes from a business management perspective. The modules include general business administration, accounting, law and controlling.

An individual focus is made possible by the range of compulsory elective modules. A total of five compulsory elective modules, each worth 5 ECTS, must be completed during the course of study. You can choose from a wide range of modules.  Possible compulsory elective modules are: Emergency Medicine, Medical Application Development, Introduction to Global Health, Mobile Applications in Healthcare, Marketing, Fundamentals of Economics, Entrepreneurship, as well as a wide range of languages.

Structure of the degree programme

The study programme is divided into three phases: the basic study period (semesters 1-2), the main study period (semesters 3-5), and the practical phase, which includes the practical semester and the Bachelor's thesis.

Semester 1-2:
(part-time: Semester 1-4)

  • Theoretical basics in the areas of computer science, business administration and medicine
  • Introduction to information management in the health sector
  • Data protection and data security
  • Business English

Semester 3-5:
(Part-time: Semester 5-10)

  • Supplementary specialised knowledge in the areas of informatics and management, related to the health sector
  • Project management
  • Work on own small projects in various modules
  • Scientific work

Semester 6:
(Part-time: Semester 11-12)

  • Practical semester
  • Block course "Communication, Teambuilding and Moderation"

Semester 7:
(Part-time: Semester 13-14)

  • Bachelor thesis and Bachelor seminar
  • Compulsory elective modules

Special features

The Faculty of Health Management already has many years of experience with the 3-pillar principle (management - IT - health care). For many years now, it has been offering the study programme "Information Management in Health Care" together with the TH Ulm. In this course, the focus is more on technical expertise in IT. In the study programme "Digital Medicine and Care Management", on the other hand, the focus is more on the application of systems.

While there are now many degree programmes in Germany that deal with management in the healthcare sector, the supplementary component with IT continues to be a special feature. This degree programme is practice-oriented and brings graduates comparatively close to patients.

Career perspectives

Medical and technological progress, demographic change, plus enormous cost pressure - the healthcare industry is facing major challenges. Digitalisation continues to gain importance in the long term. Current examples that are currently changing the German health care system include the electronic case or patient file, the measurement of health data via app, communication between doctors and hospitals via a telematics infrastructure and the video consultation. In the future, new forms of interaction in diagnostic or treatment processes and a new form of personalised medicine will play a major role.

The demand for professionals who have the relevant expertise and skills in this area remains high. Graduates work with doctors and nurses, management, IT departments and external services and manufacturers. Possible areas of employment are

  • project and process management,
  • product development,
  • medical controlling,
  • quality management,
  • medical logistics,
  • other management tasks in the health sector.

Possible employers are hospitals as well as outpatient and inpatient care facilities, health insurance companies, health authorities, associations of panel doctors, cancer registries, software manufacturers, medical technology companies and consulting institutions.

Internships and stays abroad

This degree programme is characterised by a high level of application orientation. Students work on several practical projects during the study period. These are developed in small groups and presented at the end. In the process, methods and theories learned are implemented in teamwork. Students are guided and supervised by professors with many years of practical experience and expertise in different areas of health management.

The practical semester is scheduled in the 6th semester. This is carried out in a health care institution. The Bachelor's thesis is to be completed in the 7th semester.

Stays abroad are not compulsory, but are recommended. A semester abroad and/or completing an internship abroad are possible. Shorter stays such as short internships, language courses or summer or winter schools are also possible. Students receive advice from Neu-Ulm University and the faculty and are supported in their implementation.

As preparation, courses from the large range of languages offered by the Language Centre can be taken from the 2nd semester onwards. A mobility window is planned for the 5th semester, but a stay abroad can easily take place later or even earlier. A semester abroad before or after the practical semester is a very good way of adapting to the semester times of the (partner) university. The compulsory elective area, which comprises 25 ECTS in this degree programme, is particularly suitable for the crediting of work done abroad.

Language of instruction

The language of instruction in this degree programme is predominantly German. The "Seminar" module is held in English. Occasionally, lectures may be held in English, e.g. when guest lecturers from abroad are employed.

Contributions and fees

There are no tuition fees. A semester fee (administrative fees and solidarity fee) is charged per semester. Information on this can be found on the page "HNU - Fees and Re-registration (opens in a new window)".


[Translate to English:]

Pro­fessor Dr. Axel Fo­cke

Academic advisor and head of the degree programme

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1605

Location: Main Building B, B.2.04

To profile of Professor Dr. Axel Focke

De­part­ments of Stud­ies & Ex­am­in­a­tion

Contact for application and admission

All study doc­u­ments

Also of in­terest:


Anatomical models, an age simulation suit, microscopy... To support teaching, parts of the lectures take place in the faculty's own GM laboratory.

Alumni Por­traits

Learn why graduates of the Faculty of Health Management chose HNU, their tips for finding a study program, and their current careers.

In­ter­na­tional Of­fice

The International Office supports your intention to spend a period of their studies abroad and also offers support services for international students at the HNU.

360° tour of the HNU

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Explore the HNU digitally in our digital 360° tour! Take your time to look around our campus, visit our lecture rooms, laboratories and other rooms and learn exciting insights about studying at HNU!

Voices about the de­gree pro­gramme

Healthcare is an area where you can make a tremendous difference. But you have to be able to do more than just know about health and illness. You have to be able to operate computers and understand processes. There are very few people who are proficient in all of these areas. If you know your way around and get along well, you'll find an incredibly exciting profession.

Prof. Dr. Axel Focke, Study programme director