Game Pro­duc­tion and Man­age­ment (BA)

Start of programme
Winter and summer semesters
Language of instruction
German and English
Programme duration
7 full-time semesters, 210 ECTS
Bachelor of Arts

How do you develop games from the initial idea through to marketing?

Are you fascinated by analog and digital games and are you interested in the medium of gaming and how it can be used? Would you like to understand what makes games successful and why people like to play them? In this interdisciplinary and project-oriented degree program, you will learn about all aspects of game development:

  • Game Design
  • Game Art
  • Game Programming & Technology
  • Game Economics
  • Game Studies

This will enable you to take on entry-level positions in the core games market and extended games market later on and give you the interdisciplinary skills to guide and support long-term management functions in the conception, implementation and market launch of games and game technologies.

Ad­mis­sion and ap­plic­a­tion

Ad­mis­sion re­quire­ments

  • At least advanced technical college entrance qualification (valid in Bavaria)
  • For international applicants: German B2
  • The programme is approval-free

Ap­plic­a­tion period

Winter semester: 02.05. – 15.07.
extended to 15.08.
Summer semester: 15.11. – 15.01.

Ap­plic­a­tion portal

Please use the application portal by the above deadlines to apply to this programme.

About the pro­gramme

Contents of the degree programme

Working in small teams, you will tackle the challenges of different game genres, create virtual worlds and exciting gaming experiences, ensure the profitability of projects and pitch them professionally to stakeholders. You will familiarise yourself with all areas of game production:

  • Game Design
    (Game and Creative Direction, Storytelling and Narrative Design, Game Psychology, Level Design, System Design, Game Sound Design)
  • Game Art
    (Game Art Direction, Animation, Object, Character and Environment design)
  • Game Programming & Technology
    (Game Technical Direction, Mobile Development, Data Design, Interface & UX Design, Game-Dev-Disciplines & Technology
  • Game Economics
    (Business Administration, Product Management, Marketing, Sales, Market and Data Analysis, Law, Financing and Entrepreneurship)
  • Game Studies
    (Game Research Methods, Media Studies)

The degree programme is supplemented by a practical semester and a scientific thesis.

Structure of the degree programme

The first two semesters of the degree programme form the foundation and orientation course. Here you will acquire all the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge. At the end of the foundation course, you will determine the specialisation that you will take from the third semester onwards through elective subjects.

In the sixth semester, you will gain an in-depth insight into the professional practice of the games sector or games-related industry in the practical semester and apply the knowledge you have acquired in practice. You will complete your degree programme with an academic thesis and the academic degree Bachelor of Arts (B.A.).

Special features

The games industry is a booming growth market that faces a shortage of specialists and managers. The "Game Production and Management" degree programme provides students with the necessary holistic view to close this gap. The degree programme was developed in collaboration with the games industry and is continuously reviewed to ensure it is up to date.

Career perspectives

This degree programme prepares you for entry-level positions in game development, creative management and production management in the core games industry. A wide range of career opportunities are also open to you in indie game studios or in the general creative industry.

Internships and stays abroad

All Bachelor's degree programmes include at least 100 days in a company in Germany or abroad during the practical semester. Collaborative, project-based learning and work play a major role. Projects with partners from industry establish a link to practice at an early stage. Student teams work on specific issues. The theoretical knowledge learnt is applied within a few weeks in practical projects with companies from the business world.

Stay abroad
Students can complete a study or practical semester abroad between the fourth and seventh semesters. Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences promotes stays abroad through partnerships with universities worldwide.

Language of instruction

The language of instruction in this degree program is German. Occasionally, lectures may be held in English, e.g. when using guest lecturers from abroad.


Contributions and fees

There are no tuition fees. A semester fee (administration fees and solidarity fee) is charged per semester. Information on this can be found on the page "HNU - Fees and re-registration". In addition, a laptop capable of development, specialised literature and study materials are required. The laptop must have a dedicated graphics card and be able to use the usual industry software.


All study doc­u­ments

Study and examination regulations

Also of in­­­terest:

Prac­tical pro­jects by stu­dents

(opens in a new window)

In the lecture "Gamification & Serious Games", students of the degree programme developed the educational geography game "Around the world in X minutes". Find out more about this interesting practical project.

In­ter­na­tional Of­fice

The International Office supports your intention to spend a period of their studies abroad and also offers support services for international students at the HNU.

360° tour of the HNU

(opens in a new window)

Explore the HNU digitally in our digital 360° tour! Take your time to look around our campus, visit our lecture rooms, laboratories and other rooms and learn exciting insights about studying at HNU!

Voices about the de­gree pro­gramme

It is especially useful for future producers and studio founders to gain experience in every subject area here. The practical relevance of our projects and the experience of our lecturers in the industry build a solid foundation that helps enormously when entering the games industry.

Allison Seliger, Student in the degree programme