In­ter­na­tional Cor­por­ate Com­mu­nic­a­tion and Me­dia Man­age­ment (MA)

Start of programme
Winter and summer semester
Language of instruction
Programme duration
3 semesters, including international semester or transfer semester, 90 ECTS
Master of Arts

The international master’s degree programme International Corporate Communication and Media Management prepares students for jobs in strategic corporate and marketing communication, equipping them with the skills they need to utilise media for specific aims in the digital age. Students acquire the necessary knowledge and abilities for taking up a career in an international company or pursuing a doctoral degree.

Ad­mis­sion and ap­plic­a­tion

Ad­mis­sion re­quire­ments

  • Completed university studies with at least 210 ECTS (University degree does not reach 210 ECTS)
  • Grade 2.5 or better
  • 60 ECTS from the fields of corporate communications, marketing communications and media management
  • English B2
  • For international applicants: German A1
    (The language certificate must be submitted at the latest at the time of enrolment. Upon request, the certificate can be submitted later during the first semester).
  • The programme is approval-free
  • Optional: voluntary admission test to improve the degree grade

Ap­plic­a­tion period

Winter semester: 02.05. – 31.08.
Summer semester: 15.11. – 15.02.

For non-EU applicants:
Winter semester: 02.05. – 15.07.
Summer semester: 15.11. – 15.01.

Ap­plic­a­tion portal

Please use the application portal by the above deadlines to apply to this programme.

Ques­tions about ad­mis­sion and ap­plic­a­tion

How do I apply for the programme?

To apply for this master program you have to register at the online portal on our website. Unfortunately it is not possible to check the content without an application. Detailed application deadlines can be found on this page in the "Admission and application" section.

The following documents must be submitted by the application deadline at the latest:

  • Application form
  • Curriculum vitae
  • A copy of your high school certificate with translation
  • A copy of your bachelor degree with at least 210 ECTS Points and a final mark 2.5 or better. It is necessary that you finish your bachelor before ends the application deadline.
  • 60 ECTS from the fields of corporate communications, marketing communications and media management. Within our application process we will proof this knowledge.
  • Proof of English knowledge level B2
  • Proof of German knowledge level A1. This certificate we will need at latest by our enrollment process. Upon application, proof of level A1 can be submitted later during the first semester.
  • All applicants who have not obtained their Bachelor's degree in Germany must upload their certificates via the uni-assist online portal for further checks. Detailed information about the necessary documents you find at the website

Further information on application and admission for International degree seeking students can be found on the following page: Application for international students

What qualification is required?

In order to be admitted, you must have a degree from a university or university of applied sciences with a minimum of 210 ECTS credits (or an equivalent degree).

If you completed your degree outside of the German school system, please take note of the additional rules for applying with an international degree.

I did not earn the required 210 ECTS credits with my degree. What can I do?

The following text provides an overview of the key points from the Enrollment Statutes. In case of deviations, the text of the enrollment statutes (opens in a new window) is binding.

In the case of a Bachelor's degree with only 180 ECTS credits, the existing qualification gap of 30 ECTS credits must be filled by proving or successfully completing one of the following prior achievements:

  • Co-authorship of a research publication in English (research paper).
  • At least 6 months of verifiable full-time professional experience after obtaining the bachelor's degree in an occupation relevant to the study content of the degree program (evidence by employment contract and/or employment references)
  • Successful completion of an admission examination in the form of a written scientific paper in English.
    Deadline for submission of the paper:
    Winter semester: 31.8.
    Summer semester: 4.3.
    You apply for participation at the latest 1 month before the deadline in English and solely by e-mail to the head of the respective degree programme.

Please contact the head of the degree programme for the provision of such proof:

  • Proof of additional subjects taken amounting to 30 ECTS from a previous degree programme

What average mark is required?

The average mark on your transcript from a university or university of applied sciences must be 2.5 or better.

If you completed your degree outside of the German school system, please take note of the additional rules for applying with an international degree.

What previous knowledge is required?

Verifiable knowledge in the area of communication, media, marketing, design, journalism, etc. amounting to 60 ECTS credits.

Are there any programmes in which I would automatically fulfil the 60 ECTS credit requirement?

Yes, a bachelor’s degree at HNU in the Information Management and Corporate Communications programme.

What language skills are required?

For the master’s degree programmes offered in English, you must submit verification of level B2 English language skills with your application. The following are considered suitable verification:

  • corresponding results from a recognised language test (e.g. TOEFL, IELTS)
  • evidence of adequate language skills from school or university transcripts
  • completion of a degree programme that was verifiably taught entirely in English
  • evidence that English is your native language

Non-native speakers of German are also required to provide evidence of German language skills at level A1 when enrolling.

Do I have to pay tuition fees?

No, the programme is free of charge. This also applies to students from other EU countries.

Semester fees are charged for enrolment and for each re-registration. Click here to find out how much they are. 

About the pro­gramme

Contents of the degree programme

Corporate Communication and Media Management
  • Strategic International Corporate Communication
  • Media Management in the Digital Age
  • Strategic Brand Management
  • CSR Communication
  • Institutional, Ethical and Cultural Aspects
  • Content Production
  • International Strategic Management
  • Methods in Communication and Media Research
  • Strategic Market Research
  • Human-Centred Design and Design Thinking

In the first semester, students acquire highly specialised knowledge in the area of international corporate communication and media management, including specific problem-solving skills and an in-depth knowledge of the methodology relevant to the field.

The optional international specialisation semester and transfer semester make the programme unique. In the international semester, students have the opportunity to attend a renowned HNU partner university of their choice, where they will focus on specific aspects of international corporate communication and media management. The transfer semester provides students with the opportunity to deepen and apply their acquired knowledge in a practical environment.

Students who do not choose one of the above options have the opportunity to deepen their understanding of international brand management, content production and market research.

The third semester is spent working on cross-sectional topics and the master’s thesis.

Skills and com­pet­en­cies

In a dynamically changing world of international economic relationships, an in-depth understanding of the communication and media context in which companies operate is of great importance. This calls for a broad knowledge of corporate and marketing communication in an international context and, at the same time, an in-depth knowledge of digital media interaction.


Structure of the degree programme

1st semester
  • Strategic International Corporate Communication
  • Media Management in the Digital Age
  • Institutional, Ethical and Cultural Aspects of International Media Production and Usage
  • Human-Centred Design and Design Thinking
  • Methods of Communication and Media Research
2nd semester

International semester at an HNU partner university


Transfer semester


Semester at HNU:

  • Strategic Brand Management
  • Research Project and Content Production
  • Strategic Market Research
3rd semester
  • Transfer Conference
  • International Strategic Management
  • Sustainability and CSR Communication
  • Master’s Thesis and Seminar


Special features

Areas of teaching
  • social sciences, journalism and information, interdisciplinary programmes (ISCED-F code 0388)
  • marketing and advertising (ISCED-F code 0414)
  • audio-visual techniques and media production (ISCED-F code 0211)


Career perspectives

This programme qualifies students for international leadership and management positions in the field of corporate communication and media management. Graduates of this programme are equipped to work in strategic corporate and marketing communication in international companies and organisations.

This programme prepares students for careers such as:

  • Corporate Communication and Marketing Manager
  • Key Account Manager in PR agencies
  • Content and Digital Marketing Manager
  • Online Editorial Manager

Internships and stays abroad

Degree programme with intensive in-company training

In the master's program International Corporate Communication and Media Management, Neu-Ulm University offers studies with in-depth practical experience. This includes at least 8.5 months of practical phases including a master's thesis in a company. For more information, please visit


Language of instruction

The language of instruction in this degree programme is English.


Contributions and fees

There are no tuition fees. A semester fee (administrative fees and solidarity fee) is charged per semester. Information on this can be found on the page "HNU - Fees and Re-registration (opens in a new window)".


All study doc­u­ments

Also of in­terest:

HNU-Mas­ter in 90 Seconds

(opens in a new window)

Jonathan Sturm introduces the International Corporate Communication and Media Management (MA) programme in a short interview.

Alumni Por­traits

Find out why graduates of the degree programme chose HNU, what tips they offer for finding a degree program, and what careers they are pursuing today.

Prac­tical pro­jects by stu­dents

(opens in a new window)

At HNU, you apply your theoretical knowledge directly in practical projects with companies. Find out more about interesting practical projects by students at HNU.

In­ter­na­tional Of­fice

You come from abroad and are planning to study at the HNU? The International Office will provide you with information on organisational issues such as visas, accommodation, health insurance, financing, working, etc. You will also find an overview of your most important contacts.

Voices about the de­gree pro­gramme

There is a very manageable number of students in the course, which makes for a pleasant working environment. The lecturers in the programme are very experienced and have excellent professional qualifications. Communication between lecturers and students works very well.

Jana Schueler, ICCMM student