In­ter­na­tional En­tre­pren­eur­ship, Di­git­al­iz­a­tion and Sus­tain­ab­il­ity (MSc)

Start of programme
Winter semester
Summer semester
Language of instruction
Programme duration
3 full-time semesters,
Master of Science

Develop sustainable business models and explore digital transformations.

Are you ready to become part of the next generation of global entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs and sustainability managers? Our degree programme will provide you with the skills you need to work in international companies, build your own business or pursue an advanced academic career.

In our interdisciplinary programme, you will learn how innovation and entrepreneurship come together in a globalised and sustainable world. We offer a wide range of electives so you can tailor your studies to your interests and goals.

Our course content includes:

  • International Entrepreneurship
  • Digitalisation
  • Sustainability
  • Research

In co-operation with one of our double degree partners, you will spend a semester abroad and complete your second Master's degree here.

Ad­mis­sion and ap­plic­a­tion

Ad­mis­sion re­quire­ments

  • Completed university studies with at least 210 ECTS (University degree does not reach 210 ECTS)
  • Grade 2,5 or better
  • Examination results from the fields of business administration, economics, information technology, Information Management or a comparable subject area totalling a total of 30 ECTS

  • English B2
  • For international applicants: German A1
    (The language certificate must be submitted at the latest at the time of enrolment. Upon request, the certificate can be submitted later during the first semester).
  • The programme is approval-free

Ap­plic­a­tion peri­ods

Winter semester: 02.05. – 31.08. 
Summer semester: 15.11. – 15.02.

For non-EU applicants:
Winter semester: 02.05. - 15.07.
Summer semester: 15.11. - 15.01.

Ap­plic­a­tion portal

Please use the application portal by the above deadlines to apply to this programme.

Ques­tions about ad­mis­sion and ap­plic­a­tion

How do I apply for the programme?

To apply for this master programme you have to register at the online portal on our website. Unfortunately it is not possible to check the content without an application. Detailed application deadlines can be found on this page in the "Admission and application" section.

The following documents must be submitted by the application deadline at the latest:

  • Application form
  • Curriculum vitae
  • A copy of your high school certificate
  • Acopy of your bachelor degree with at least 210 ECTS Points and a final mark 2,5 or better. It is necessary that you finish your bachelor before ends the application deadline.
  • Examination achievements from the fields of business administration, economics, information technology, information management or a comparable subject area totalling 30 ECTS credits.
  • Proof of English knowledge level B2
  • Proof of German knowledge level A1. This certificate we will need at latest by our enrollment process. Upon application, proof of level A1 can be submitted later during the first semester.
  • All applicants who have not obtained their Bachelor's degree in Germany must upload their certificates via the uni-assist online portal for further checks. Detailed information about the necessary documents you find at the website

Further information on application and admission for International degree seeking students can be found on the following page: Application for international students

Non-EU nationals should enquire about visa requirements for Germany as soon as possible. Please note that the visa application process is time-consuming and independent of your admission to the IEDS course. Therefore, start the visa application as soon as possible.

I did not earn the required 210 ECTS credits with my degree. What can I do?

The following text provides an overview of the key points from the Enrollment Statutes. In case of deviations, the text of the enrollment statutes (opens in a new window) is binding.

In the case of a Bachelor's degree with only 180 ECTS credits, the existing qualification gap of 30 ECTS credits must be filled by proving or successfully completing one of the following prior achievements:

  • Start the double degree programme at one of the Austrian partner universities. The required 30 ECTS credits are completed abroad and you can transfer to HNU after the first semester and continue your Master's degree here.
  • Co-authorship of a research publication in English (research paper).
  • At least 6 months of verifiable full-time professional experience after obtaining the bachelor's degree in an occupation relevant to the study content of the degree program (evidence by employment contract and/or employment references)
  • Successful completion of an admission examination in the form of a written scientific paper in English.
    Deadline for submission of the paper: Winter semester: 31.08. / Summer semester: 04.03.
  • You apply for participation at the latest 1 month before the deadline in English and solely by e-mail to the head of the respective degree programme.
  • Proof of additional subjects taken amounting to 30 ECTS from a previous degree programme.

How can I improve my bachelor grade? (Admission test: TM-WISO)

It is optionally possible to take a voluntary entrance test (TM-WISO) to improve the bachelor's degree grade.

In principle, the test can be taken as long as you wish before you start your studies or complete your bachelor's degree. It is valid for all future applications. At HNU, you will achieve the following with the test: If you belong to the best 60%, your Bachelor final grade will be improved by 0.3, if you belong to the best 50% by 0.5 and if you belong to the best 40% even by 0.7.

For more information about the test, visit the Institute's site:
Institute for Test and Talent Research (opens in a new window)

The registration for the test "TM-WISO" is possible on the following page of the institute:
Registration for TM-WISO (opens in a new window)

What language skills are required?

For the master’s degree programmes offered in English, you will need to submit evidence of level B2 English language skills with your application. This can be done in the following ways:

  • corresponding results from a recognised language test (e.g. at least 72 points in TOEFL-IBT)
  • evidence of adequate language skills from school or university transcripts
  • completion of a degree programme that was verifiably taught entirely in English
  • evidence that English is your native language

Non-native speakers of German must also provide proof of German language skills at level A1 upon enrolment. Upon request, this proof can be submitted later during the first semester.

About the pro­gramme

Contents of the degree programme

You can choose from various compulsory elective subjects on the degree programme. You will learn about the following exciting and, above all, current topics in the various compulsory electives:

  • International Entrepreneurship
    Methods, mindset, start-up project, consistent customer insight orientation
  • Digitalisation
    Analysing and applying disruptive technologies such as AI VR/AR and their implementation
  • Sustainability
    Fundamentals of ecological, social and economic sustainability, environmental management, circular economy, sustainability strategies, practice-oriented projects for the implementation of sustainable business models

The degree programme is supplemented by a compulsory double degree and a scientific Master's thesis.

Structure of the degree programme

In the first two semesters of the degree programme, you will take various compulsory electives in the areas of International Entrepreneurship, Digitalisation and Sustainability. You can choose your courses freely according to your interests, but you must take 10 ECTS per semester in each area (International Entrepreneurship / Digitalisation / Sustainability).

The third semester is dedicated to research. Here you will familiarise yourself with different research methods and, building on this, will write your academic Master's thesis. The semester, and therefore your degree programme, will conclude with the Master's seminar, which includes the presentation of your research results.

You must compile and select the courses for each semester yourself no later than the week before the start of the semester. You create your own individual timetable.

Special features

The degree programme is characterised by the following special features:

  • Interdisciplinary curriculum:
    You will receive a holistic education in the areas of entrepreneurship, digitalisation and sustainability, which will open up a wide range of career opportunities.
  • Flexibility in the degree programme:
    A wide selection of electives allows you to tailor your degree programme to your individual interests and career goals.
  • Practical orientation:
    Our programme is tailored to the needs of international companies, so you will acquire practical skills that are in demand in the global job market.
  • Research-orientation:
    We emphasise academic skills that enable you to also pursue an academic career or complete a doctoral programme.
  •  Double Degree:
    This unique opportunity not only gives you access to our highly qualified programme, but also to another prestigious academic degree abroad. The double degree will strengthen your intercultural skills and give you a valuable advantage for your professional career in a globalised world.
  •  International network:
    You will become part of a diverse and dynamic international community of students and faculty that drives innovation and change.

These special features make our degree programme an ideal choice for aspiring global entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs and sustainability managers who want to play an active role in shaping the future.

Career perspectives

For example, you can work as:

  • Global entrepreneurs:
    Who build and grow their own business, scale and network globally.
  • Intrapreneurs, business developers, innovators, strategists, digital transformers:
    Who drive companies and organisations forward internationally.
  • Sustainability managers:
    For the transformation of companies in the context of sustainability.
  • Young scientists:
    For the topics of entrepreneurship, digitalisation and sustainability.

Double degree and stays abroad

Double Degree Programme

Discover the world of international study with the compulsory specialisation at a partner university and the option of a voluntary semester abroad.

As an integral part of the Master's degree programme, you will complete 30 ECTS credits at one of our partner universities. The double degree semester is currently possible at the University of Applied Sciences Vienna (Austria) or the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria (Austria). Due to Austrian regulations, a total of 120 ECTS must be completed to graduate from an Austrian partner university. This means that in this case your Master's degree will comprise four semesters (three semesters at HNU including the Master's thesis and one semester in Austria).

Voluntary semester abroad

You also have the freedom to complete a voluntary semester abroad at a university of your choice. This allows you to broaden your horizons, discover new cultures and gain valuable international experience that will enrich your professional development.

Take advantage of this unique opportunity to grow not only professionally but also personally and prepare yourself optimally for a global career.

Language of instruction

The language of instruction on this degree programme is English.


All study doc­u­ments

Also of in­terest:

360° tour of the HNU

(opens in a new window)

Explore the HNU digitally in our digital 360° tour! Take your time to look around our campus, visit our lecture rooms, laboratories and other rooms and learn exciting insights about studying at HNU!

In­ter­na­tional Of­fice

You come from abroad and are planning to study at the HNU? The International Office will provide you with information on organisational issues such as visas, accommodation, health insurance, financing, working, etc. You will also find an overview of your most important contacts.

Voices about the de­gree pro­gramme

The degree programme offers an indispensable combination of current topics such as disruptive technologies, sustainable business and innovative entrepreneurship. The flexibility of the electives enables a customised education, while the practical and research-oriented focus is tailored to the needs of international companies. Graduates are sought-after experts who can transform companies worldwide and develop sustainable business models.

Prof. Dr Daniel Schallmo, Head of degree programme