In­form­a­tion Man­age­ment in Health­care (BSc)

Start of programme
Winter and summer semesters
Language of instruction
German and English
Programme duration
7 full-time semesters, 210 ECTS
Bachelor of Science

Your interests are wide-ranging and you would like to learn more about varied subject areas such as informatics, medicine and management? The booming healthcare industry sounds like an exciting professional environment?

We will train you to become sought-after specialists who, as information managers, help plan and control processes in the health sector, are familiar with health-specific topics and keep an eye on the economic figures.

In cooperation with the Ulm University of Applied Sciences (opens in a new window), we teach you the basics of medicine, business administration, health management, mathematics and computer science. This means that your possible professional field of application is diverse: wherever interdisciplinary teams from the fields of medicine, IT and management come together, our graduates can coordinate and develop innovative solutions.

About the pro­gramme

Contents of the degree programme

The programme is divided into four content areas:

Computer science

Programming, databases, data and process modelling, data protection and IT security, application systems in the health sector, IT projects in the health sector, medical controlling in quality management, business administration in the health sector.

Business administration in the health sector

General business administration, law, health economics, operational controlling, business administration in health and social services, operational health management


Medicine 1 (including medical decision-making, cytology, cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system); Medicine 2 (including digestion/metabolism, respiration and excretion); Medicine 3 (including haematology/oncology, immune system, infectious diseases, endocrinology, pregnancy and obstetrics, sensory organs, central and peripheral nervous system)


Business English, project management, scientific work, mathematics and statistics

Structure of the study programme

The degree programme is divided into three phases: the basic study period (semesters 1-2), the main study period (semesters 3-5), and the practical phase, which includes the Bachelor's thesis and the practical semester.

1st - 2nd semester:

Theoretical and practical basics in

  • Computer science (including programming, databases, information technology)
  • Business Administration/Health Economics (including General Business Administration, Business Accounting, Business English)
  • Medicine (Medicine 1 and 2)
3rd - 5th semester
  • In-depth and supplementary knowledge in computer science, business administration and medicine
  • Project management
  • Law
  • Scientific work
  • 2 compulsory elective modules
6th semester
  • Practical semester at home or abroad
7th semester
  • Bachelor thesis and Bachelor seminar
  • Compulsory elective modules

Special features

This study programme combines the three sciences of computer science, business administration and medicine in one. Thus, the programme is aimed at prospective students who are interested in a broadly diversified study programme or for whom a pure computer science programme is too technical.

This study programme is very practically oriented. Projects are carried out early in the programme, usually in small groups.

The wide range of compulsory elective modules and the choice of topics for projects and seminar papers allow for an individual focus.

The study programme is offered jointly with the TH Ulm. This means that students have access to the full resources of the Ulm and Neu-Ulm universities, such as laboratories, electives and partner universities abroad.

Career perspectives

The restructuring of the health care system, the introduction of new payment systems, the optimisation of care processes and the realisation of innovative health technologies create interesting jobs for our graduates, who can fill bridge functions in the area of conflict between medicine, health care management and information technology. o fill these roles.

Typical tasks

Typical tasks include, among others, medical controlling, analyses to control the performance of health care facilities, optimisation of care processes, quality management, software requirement analyses, adaptation and introduction of electronic information systems, IT project management, data mining and data warehousing, evaluation of health care services and innovative health technologies as well as consulting activities.

Possible employers

Possible employers are hospitals and medical care centres, health, accident and pension insurance companies, health authorities and associations, management consultancies specialising in the health sector, health research institutes and medical software companies.

Internships and stays abroad

Students can complete a study or practical semester abroad between the 4th and 7th semester. Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences promotes stays abroad through partnerships with universities worldwide. Language courses can be chosen as early as the 2nd semester in order to prepare for a stay abroad.

The compulsory elective area, which comprises 25 ECTS in this degree programme, is particularly suitable for the crediting of work done abroad.

Language of instruction

The language of instruction in the study programme is predominantly German, with English in some courses.

Contribution and fees

Fees and contributions of the cooperation degree programme are charged as follows at the Ulm University of Applied Sciences:

  • A semester fee (administrative fees and solidarity fee) is charged per semester. For the cooperation degree programme, the semester fee is paid at the Ulm University of Applied Sciences.
  • There are no tuition fees for first-time students from the EU. The state of Baden-Württemberg charges tuition fees for second-degree students and international students from outside the EU.

To "Contributions and fees" of Ulm University of Applied Sciences (opens in a new window) (in German only)


[Translate to English:]

Pro­fessor Dr. Axel Fo­cke

Academic advisor and head of the degree programme

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1605

Location: Main Building B, B.2.04

To profile of Professor Dr. Axel Focke

Birgit Wid­mann

Contact person for application and admission
(Examination Office and Secretariat · Ulm University of Applied Sciences)

Opening hours:
Monday and Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Tuesday: 10:00 - 13:00 o'clock

Phone: +49 (0)731 50 28025
Mail: Message to Birgit Widmann

All study doc­u­ments

Also of in­terest:

Prac­tical pro­jects by stu­dents

(opens in a new window)

At HNU, you apply your theoretical knowledge directly in practical projects with companies. Find out more about interesting practical projects by students at HNU.

Alumni Por­traits

Learn why graduates of the Faculty of Health Management chose HNU, their tips for finding a study program, and their current careers.

In­ter­na­tional Of­fice

The International Office supports your intention to spend a period of their studies abroad and also offers support services for international students at the HNU.

Voices about the de­gree pro­gramme

The study programme forms a bridge between medicine, computer science and business administration. If you don't want to spend your days just programming and are also interested in medicine, IG is definitely a versatile course of study that is a lot of fun! Great lecturers!

Robin, IG Studierender (Quelle: