BA Man­age­ment for Health and Nurs­ing Pro­fes­sions

Programme Start 
Summer semester
Studying without a university entrance qualification
Tuition Fees
€ 1,450  per semester
Programme Duration 
6 on-campus semesters upon recognition of profession
≙ 10 semesters, 210 ECTS

German, level C1
Bachelor of Arts (BA)

What will be taught?

The conventional business administration subjects are of particular importance in this programme.

Supplementary topics include:

  • health economics
  • law and
  • information technology with respect to the healthcare system

as well as related scientific topics from the following fields:

  • nursing
  • therapy and
  • medicine.

This course helps develop scientific and methodological skills, and is also designed to to equip graduates with the key personal, social and reflective skills necessary to assume personnel management responsibilities.

Who is the programme designed for?

This degree programme is aimed at healthcare professionals (in fields such as healthcare and nursing or child care, geriatric care, maternity care, physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, medical assistance, etc.) who are preparing for a management position or want to pursue further qualifications in business administration.

This includes an understanding of business management processes and the healthcare industry with its economic, political and legal framework conditions. In addition, the students address current health policy topics and become familiar with the special features of this industry.

What opportunities does the BA programme offer?

Students who have completed this degree are qualified to assume specialised management positions or join specialist teams in hospitals, medical care centres, rehabilitation centres, large medical practices, inpatient care facilities, outpatient care services and outpatient therapy practices.


    What additional qualifications are gained?

    • Nursing officer certification can be applied for on an individual basis (according to §71 SGB XI).
    • Ten training points can be credited per semester to the “registration of nursing professionals” for participation.
    • This degree qualifies the degree holder to manage a facility (according to §12 (1) sentence 2 AVPfleWoqG).
    • BA programme graduates are qualified for nursing service management (according to § 57 AVPfleWoqG).

    Con­tact and ad­vising

    Ulrike Zschau

    Ul­rike Zschau

    Faculty Office Health Management

    Phone: +49 731 /9762-1601

    Location: Main Building B, B.1.07

    In­di­vidual ad­vising

    Would you like to learn more? Do you need some personalised advice?

    Take the opportunity and arrange a personal consultation with our degree programme directors or other contact persons, either via Zoom or by phone. Please send us a message using the contact form or contact us by e-mail if you are interested.

    Ap­plic­a­tion for the de­gree pro­gramme

    Ap­plic­a­tion portal

    Use our application portal to apply for the summer semester from 15 November 2022 to 15 February 2023

    Ap­plic­a­tion period

    Summer semester: 15 November - 15 February

    Application via the application portal is only possible during this period.

    In­form­a­tion events on the de­gree pro­gramme

    We will publish new information evening dates for the degree programme here shortly.

    Over­view of the pro­gramme

    Programme schedule

    The standard duration of studies of ten semesters can be reduced by four semesters down to six on-campus semesters upon recognition of vocational training in a healthcare or nursing profession. The on-campus periods are scheduled in a compact format and entail two weeks per semester.

    Students have the option of completing the programme with a university of applied sciences certificate after the 5th on-campus semester, or with a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree after the 6th on-campus semester.

    Programme advantages

    This part-time programme allows students to continue their professional activities, resulting in a high level of relevance in transfer between theory and practice.

    The well-balanced number of students means that our students enjoy short distances and personal contact with the professors.

    The paedagogical concept provides the structure for classes with various teaching formats (seminars, small group discussions, presentations and reflection sessions) as well as virtual units on the e-learning platform.

    Type of programme

    Part-time course

    Target group

    This programme is designed for healthcare professionals (in fields such as healthcare and nursing or child care, geriatric care, maternity care, physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, medical assistance, etc.) who are preparing for a management position or who want to pursue further qualifications in the area of business studies.

    On-campus periods

    Two one-week blocks per semester


    • Entrance qualification for a university or university of applied sciences and successful completion of a vocational training programme, spanning at least two years, as well as a minimum of six months of professional experience in a recognised healthcare profession
    • Studying without a university entrance qualification: Applicants who have successfully completed a vocational training programme, spanning at least two years, and have at least three years of professional experience in a recognised healthcare profession may also be admitted to the programme without a university entrance qualification.

    Special features

    • The standard duration of study of 10 semesters can be reduced by 4 semesters for students with vocational training in a healthcare or nursing profession
    • Students have the option of completing the programme with a certificate after the 5th on-campus semester (9th programme semester), or with a Bachelor of Arts after the 6th on-campus semester


    This programme has been accredited by AHPGS Akkreditierung gGmbH since 2015.


    • 1.Semester

      • Business Administration in Healthcare and Nursing Facilities
      • Methods of Empirical Social Research
      • Health Economics
      • Key Skill Qualification I – Communication, Moderation
    • 2.Semester

      • Accounting
      • Marketing
      • Law
      • Key Skill Qualification II – Team Development
    • 3.Semester

      • Financing/Investment
      • Organisation
      • Evidence-Based Guidelines
      • Key Skill Qualification III – Conflict Management
    • 4.Semester

      • Controlling
      • Personnel Management
      • Quality and Risk Management
      • Transfer Project I – Business Plan
    • 5.Semester

      • Information Management
      • Personnel Management
      • Current Aspects in Reference Disciplines
      • Transfer Project II – Change Management

      Graduation with a university of applied sciences certificate possible.

    • 6.Semester

      • Seminar
      • Bachelor’s Colloquium
      • Bachelor’s Thesis

      Graduation with a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree with 210 ECTS

    Ad­mis­sion and ap­plic­a­tion


    • Entrance qualification for a university or university of applied sciences as well as successful completion of at least two years of vocational training and a minimum of 6 months of full-time professional experience in a recognised healthcare profession.


    • successful completion of at least two years of vocational training and at least three years of professional experience in a recognised healthcare profession. A further requirement is the successful completion of a university entrance examination. This consists of a 90-minute written test, a 20-minute oral interview and a maximum of 15 minutes of personal consultation.


    The years of professional experience refer to full-time employment. In the case of part-time employment, the time specification is extended accordingly.

    State-recognised health professions

    • Geriatric nurse
    • Dietician
    • Occupational therapist
    • Midwife
    • Nursing staff
    • Speech therapist
    • Medical documentation officer
    • Medical assistant or physician’s assistant
    • Medical technical assistant (laboratory, radiology or function diagnostics)
    • Orthoptist
    • Surgical tech
    • Physiotherapist
    • Pharmaceutical technician
    • Dental assistant
    • Other healthcare professions, assessed on an individual basis

    Application documents


    • Please register on the online HNU application portal and start the application process when the application period begins. All documents must be received by HNU in full by the end of the application period. Any applications submitted after the end of the application period will not be considered.

      Please contact Ms Sonja Jaumann if you have any questions concerning requirements, recognition of credits for previous achievements or the application process in general.


    • With your admission notification, you will receive information about the deadline for your enrolment at the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences.

      First, you will need to apply for enrolment online. You will then need to sign the application for enrolment and mail it to the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences along with the other enrolment documents. Please note that these must be submitted by the end of the enrolment period.

      Please read the following important documents before filling in the forms for enrolment at the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences:

    • IT User Regulations
    • Library User Regulations
    • Student Health Insurance Pamphlet

    (These documents can be found on the application portal as well as in the Application Process/Admission section.)

    Please note:

    Your documents must be complete when you enrol. If you fail to meet the deadline for enrolment, your admission notification will become invalid. We also ask that you remember to transfer the tuition fees on time.

    Certificate of enrolment

    • You can conveniently print out your certificate of enrolment via the Studies and Exams Office online portal.  You will need to use an iTAN, which you will receive in the mail following your enrolment.
      You will be given an iTAN list at the beginning of your programme.

      Please make sure that the Studies and Exams Office has your current address at all times. You can change your address on the online portal at any time.

    Fre­quently asked ques­tions

    What if changes within my job make it impossible for me to study?

    You may study at a slower pace.
    Please contact us and together we can come up with an individualised curriculum for a specific period of time.

    What if I need to interrupt my studies due to family reasons?

    You have the option of applying for a semester off. If you suspend your studies for an entire semester, no tuition fees will be charged.

    How much does the programme cost per semester?

    There are tuition fees of €1,450 per semester plus the student services fee.

    This includes the costs for participation in all on-campus seminars, e-learning units and supervision by the lecturers.

    What other costs do I need to be aware of, in addition to the tuition fees?

    • Costs for travel to HNU
    • Possibly accommodation costs, depending on the distance to your place of residence
    • Costs for printing and copying
    • Costs for books, as necessary

    What happens if I don’t pass an exam?

    You may repeat every exam.

    Are there any study groups?

    Yes, the programme is designed for learning in groups.

    An internet platform and multimedia clubrooms are available for group work at HNU. The group structure has proven to be very effective and participants also make individual arrangements for studying in groups.

    Am I required to inform my employer?

    We strongly recommend making an arrangement with your employer, as you will need the understanding of your superiors during your studies. You may also be striving toward a future management position with your current employer.

    Does the employer cover the cost of the programme?

    Contact your employer. Some employers support their employees, generally by covering the tuition fees and/or awarding time off for on-campus seminars.

    What should I do when I have holidays?

    Holidays are necessary. We would, however, ask that you don’t plan your holidays during the on-campus weeks, as this would require you to catch up on large amounts of material. You are required to attend 80% of the on-campus seminars. Please coordinate your holidays with your study group. 

    What can I do if I have a question about a specific task?

    Make use of the knowledge and support within your group and start by asking there. Questions directed to professors will also be answered in a timely fashion.

    What happens if I exceed the standard duration of studies?

    If you exceed the standard duration of studies, you will only be charged administrative fees in the amount of 250 euros, plus the student services fee.

    The BA pro­gramme in pic­tures

    Gruppenbild der teilnehmenden Studierenden an der Magnetkonferenz 2019

    Ex­per­i­en­cing the mag­netic hos­pital concept live in the USA:

    Students of the BA Management for Health and Nursing Professions programme on a field trip in Orlando, Florida