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Shap­ing the fu­ture of health­care: Fac­ulty of Health Man­age­ment at HNU or­gan­ized an open day

16.07.2024, Uni­versity News :

The Faculty of Health Management (GM) at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) opened its doors on June 25 with a varied program, providing an insight into its offerings and current research and transfer topics and providing expert impulses. In addition to laboratory tours, visitors could look forward to specialist lectures, a presentation of the courses offered by the faculty and a careers fair with regional companies from the sector.

Presenting activities in the areas of research, teaching and transfer to a broad public, highlighting the diverse professional fields in the healthcare sector  and maintaining cooperation with partners: With these goals in mind, the Faculty of Health Management at HNU hosted an open day at the end of June, to which both university members and external interested parties were invited.

Labor­at­ory tours and study pro­grams in fast-for­ward

The event started with 20-minute lab tours, in which lab technician Daniel Eitel presented the DocLab and the faculty's health management lab. Visitors were able to get an impression of how practically oriented students learn at HNU and what topics scientists are researching in the field of digitalization in medicine and nursing. A highlight awaited in the DocLab, where the practical training of HNU's Physician Assistants also takes place: There, interested visitors were able to get active themselves and try out taking blood in the crook of the arm on a lifelike dummy, for example. "The close connection between theory and practice and the special relationship with people are what make our degree courses so meaningful and add value to the healthcare sector," emphasizes Dean Prof. Dr. Sylvia Schafmeister.

Where pro­fes­sion­als and health­care fa­cil­it­ies meet

A parallel career fair with 20 exhibitors from the sector enabled university members and potential specialists to network with regional companies. "Among other things, the university's Faculty of Healthcare Management stands for networking between the various players in the healthcare sector. At the open day, it became clear that this networking is the basis for the further development of the healthcare sector," summarizes Prof. Dr. Patrick Da-Cruz. "In times of a shortage of skilled workers, it is also important to offer a platform for employers and job seekers from the healthcare sector."


Present­a­tions provided im­pulses on AI, di­git­al­iz­a­tion and net­work­ing

The lecture by Prof. Dr. Walter Swoboda, research professor and head of the DigiHealth Institute at HNU, who spoke on the topic of artificial intelligence and digitalization in medicine, was very well received.

The lecture by Prof. Dr. Walter Swoboda, research professor and head of the DigiHealth Institute at HNU, who spoke on the topic of artificial intelligence and digitalization in medicine and presented the faculty's current research projects in this area, was also very well received. Furthermore, Marc Löchner, Head of the Health Region Plus office of the Neu-Ulm district, spoke about cross-sector networks as an important building block for prevention and health and nursing care, as well as about the joint projects with the Faculty of GM. 

"Our open day with 20 healthcare companies from the region, laboratory tours and lectures on our degree courses showed that the healthcare industry has a variety of exciting jobs to offer: from hospitals and care facilities to medical device manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies, consulting firms and health app developers," said Dean Prof. Dr. Sylvia Schafmeister, summing up the event.. With its wide portfolio of degree programmes in the field of healthcare, HNU educates graduates who are equipped to meet the challenges of a constantly changing healthcare landscape in order to optimize processes, drive digitalization in the healthcare sector and improve the quality of healthcare.

The event concluded with a get-together in a restaurant in Neu-Ulm.

Regio TV Schwaben interviewed Prof. Dr. Patrick Da-Cruz about the enormous demand for specialists in the healthcare sector and reported on the event afterwards.


Pro­fessor Dr. Patrick Da-Cruz

Internship Coordinator for Business Studies in Healthcare Management

Head of the degree programme MBA Business Studies for Doctors

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1602

Location: Main Building B, B.1.11

To profile of Professor Dr. Patrick Da-Cruz

Professor Dr. Patrick Da-Cruz