Di­gital In­nov­a­tion Man­age­ment (MSc)

Programme start
Winter semester
Language of instruction
Programme duration
3 full-time semesters, 90 ECTS
Master of Science

Creating ideas to shape our future

Digital innovations are at the core of new business models, founding start-ups, and the strategy of established companies striving to develop their competitiveness and future viability. In this programme, we look at the idea of New Work, agile methods and ways of thinking with respect to managing businesses with modern organisational forms and strategies. There is a wide range of possibilities to shape the future and new ideas are vital to success.

The degree programme “Digital Innovation Management” guarantees access to a young, international field of research and direct confrontation with current business challenges as well as first-hand exposure to current topics of relevance for small and medium-sized businesses and global market leaders of the region.

This programme is especially designed to prepare students to take on a variety of key positions in the field of digitalisation in companies. It also addresses cross-cutting topics such as management of consulting projects, training of communication skills and persuasive argumentation.

You’ll stand out on the job market with a degree in Digital Innovation Management from HNU, incorporating interactive teaching formats, practical projects, group work, creativity techniques and innovation games that support a productive working environment and help you acquire key skills.

What distinguishes the degree programme?

  • Preparation for key positions in the field of digitalisation
  • Interactive teaching formats and practical projects with methods such as creativity techniques and innovation games as well as a high proportion of teamwork
  • Close integration of current scientific findings and practical challenges  of medium-sized companies of the region, international corporations, and hi-tech companies
  • Transfer of current technical and methodological knowledge at the interface between business strategy, information management, and organisational science
  • Cross-cutting topics such as managing consulting projects, training in communication skills and a convincing line of argumentation

Sounds interesting? Then this is the right place for you!

Ad­mis­sion and ap­plic­a­tion

Ad­mis­sion re­quire­ments

  • University degree with a minimum of 210 ECTS credits (University degree does not reach 210 ECTS)
  • Average mark of 2.5 or better
  • 15 ECTS from the field of IT management, information technology (IT) as well as business administration *Alternatively, oral exams (30 minutes each) can be taken at Neu-Ulm University
  • Ideally, applicants also have knowledge of business administration
  • English B2
  • For international applicants: German A1
    (The language certificate must be submitted at the latest at the time of enrolment. Upon request, the certificate can be submitted later during the first semester).
  • The programme is approval-free

* Alternatively, oral examinations (30 minutes each) can be taken at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences

Ap­plic­a­tion period

Winter semester: 02.05. – 31.08. extended to 15.09.

For non-EU applicants:
Winter semester: 02.05. – 15.07.

The programme is only offered in the winter semester.

Ap­plic­a­tion portal

Please use the application portal by the above deadlines to apply to this programme.

Ques­tions about ad­mis­sion and ap­plic­a­tion

How do I apply for the programme?

To apply for this master’s programme, you need to register on the online portal (opens in a new window) found on our website. A content review without a proper application is not possible. Detailed application deadlines can be found on this page in the "Admission and application" section.

The following documents must be submitted by the application deadline:

  • Application for admission
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Copy of high school transcript (no certification necessary)
  • Copy of bachelor’s degree transcript with a minimum of 210 ECTS credits and a final mark of 2.5 or better (no certification necessary). Your bachelor’s degree must be completed before the end of the application period.
  • Proof of 15 ECTS credits from the field of information technology (IT) and information management. We will test this knowledge as part of the application process.
  • Proof of English skills at level B2
  • Proof of German skills at level A1. The language certificate must be submitted by the time of enrolment. Upon application, proof of level A1 can be submitted later during the first semester.
  • All applicants who have not obtained their Bachelor's degree in Germany must upload their certificates via the uni-assist online portal for further checks. Detailed information on the required documents can be found at www.uni-assist.de

Further information on application and admission for International degree seeking students can be found on the following page: Application for international students

I did not earn the required 210 ECTS credits with my degree. What can I do?

The following text provides an overview of the key points from the Enrollment Statutes. In case of deviations, the text of the enrollment statutes (opens in a new window) is binding.

In the case of a Bachelor's degree with only 180 ECTS credits, the existing qualification gap of 30 ECTS credits must be filled by proving or successfully completing one of the following prior achievements:

  • Co-authorship of a research publication in English (research paper).
  • At least 6 months of verifiable full-time professional experience after obtaining the bachelor's degree in an occupation relevant to the study content of the degree program (evidence by employment contract and/or employment references)
  • Successful completion of an admission examination in the form of a written scientific paper in English.
    Deadline for submission of the paper:
    Winter semester: 31.8.
    Summer semester: 4.3.
    You apply for participation at the latest 1 month before the deadline in English and solely by e-mail to the head of the respective degree programme.

Please contact the head of the degree programme for the provision of such proof:

  • Proof of additional subjects taken amounting to 30 ECTS from a previous degree programme

What average mark is required?

The average mark on your transcript from a university or university of applied sciences must be 2.5 or better.

If you completed your degree outside of the German school system, please take note of the additional rules for applying with an international degree.

If my average mark is not sufficient, is there any way I can improve it?

It is optionally possible to take a voluntary entrance test (TM-WISO) to improve the bachelor's degree grade.

In principle, the test can be taken as long as you wish before you start your studies or complete your bachelor's degree. It is valid for all future applications. At HNU, you will achieve the following with the test: If you belong to the best 60%, your Bachelor final grade will be improved by 0.3, if you belong to the best 50% by 0.5 and if you belong to the best 40% even by 0.7.

For more information about the test, visit the Institute's site:
Institute for Test and Talent Research (opens in a new window)

The registration for the test "TM-WISO" is possible on the following page of the institute:
Registration for TM-WISO (opens in a new window)

Are there any programmes in which I would automatically fulfil the 15 ECTS credit requirement?

The following text provides an overview of the key points of the Enrolment Regulations. In the case of discrepancies, the Enrolment Regulations are binding.


The HNU bachelor’s degree programmes in the following subjects fulfil this requirement:

  • Business Information Systems
  • Information Management Automotive
  • Information Management and Corporate Communication

How can I make up missing competences of 15 ECTS from the required areas?

If you cannot provide the 15 ECTS from the area of IT Management, Information Technology (IT) as well as Business Administration, then you can alternatively take oral exams (30 minutes each) at Neu-Ulm University. The exams take place online. To prepare for the oral exams, online pre-courses as well as self-study material are provided.

What qualification is required?

In order to be admitted, you must have a degree from a university or university of applied sciences with a minimum of 210 ECTS credits (or an equivalent degree).

If you completed your degree outside of the German school system, please take note of the additional rules for applying with an international degree.

Do I have to pay tuition fees?

The following text provides an overview of the key points of the Enrolment Regulations. In the case of discrepancies, the Enrolment Regulations are binding.

No, the programme is free of charge. This also applies to students from other EU countries.

Semester fees are charged for enrolment and for each re-registration. Click here to find out how much they are.

About the pro­gramme

Contents of the degree programme

The content of the degree programme is divided into the following subject areas:

In the area of digital innovation, we will discuss the key differences between digital and traditional innovation and how innovation can be managed: How does innovation happen? What are barriers, what are drivers? How is it possible to create innovations sustainably and continuously? What are traditional approaches to innovation and what are the differences compared to digital? How do you design new business models?

In the area of management and digital transformation, the effects of digital innovation on, e.g., corporate structure and working methods are addressed and how these can be managed: How do you manage to combine traditional and new business? Which strategies are suitable for making companies agile and advancing digitalisation? How to successfully manage companies in the digital environment?

In the area of projects, current challenges from practice partners are dealt with. Furthermore, currently implemented or planned solutions from practice are discussed. In addition to project management issues, the questions to be worked on differ depending on current challenges of practice partners. Examples are: How do I introduce an AI-supported system into a previously predominantly manual production process? How will the change be managed? How should the innovation process be designed to accomodate radical digital innovations?

The soft skills area is about interdisciplinary skills: How do I present convincingly? How do I moderate a topic? How do I conduct negotiations? How do I proceed in a consulting project?

In the area of methods, you will learn how to use creativity techniques and innovation games beneficially. Furthermore, you will practice analysing scientific papers and writing your own scientific papers, considering that the master's thesis qualifies as scientific paper.

In the first semester, you will learn the basics of innovation management, strategy and leadership, how to design an innovative organisation and business models, how to measure success, and how to conduct consulting projects. The topics are jointly developed in the interplay of current research results and methods used in practice, and enriched with project and team tasks.

The second semester focuses on projects with practice partners, introduces current topics such as artificial intelligence and design, and intensifies the knowledge of methods and structuring of scientific work with IS Research, thus preparing for the master’s thesis that follows in the third semester.

The third semester focuses on the preparation of the master’s thesis and supports and accompanies the thesis through the Academic Writing module in its structuring and correct formulation in English. The curriculum is rounded off by interpersonal skills and the training of convincing presentations, moderation of groups, and leading negotiations.

Structure of the degree programme

1th semester

  • Introduction to Digital Innovation
  • Digital Innovation Strategy
  • Digital Transformation & Entrepreneurship
  • Strategy and Performance Management
  • Consulting
  • Digital Business Models & Approaches

2nd semester

  •   Innovation Project
  • Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
  • Organization and Processes
  • Design for Digital Innovation
  • Digital Innovation in industry
  • IS Research

3rd semester

  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Academic Writing
  • Masterthesis und Seminar

Career perspectives

What opportunities does the Master of Digital Innovation Management programme open up?

The job descriptions are diverse and the job offers numerous. Typical areas that are currently being sought relate to:

  • Consulting for digitalisation and innovation (in-house or with consulting firms) with topics such as development and optimization of innovation processes, support in tapping digitization potential, and development of leadership and management models.
  • Team and project management
  • Project portfolio management of digitalisation projects

Other career options in the area of business analysis and business development, as well as in staff positions of executive management, include the identification and expansion of new business areas, such as data-driven business models. Graduates can also move directly into strategy and business model development.

Language of instruction

The language of instruction in this degree programme is English.

Contributions and fees

There are no tuition fees. A semester fee (administrative fees and solidarity fee) is charged per semester. Information on this can be found on the page "HNU - Fees and Re-registration (opens in a new window)".


The degree programme is accredited by the "Central Evaluation and Accreditation Agency" (ZEvA).

Accreditation certifies that the programme meets quality standards and is suitable for achieving the qualification objectives. Accreditation thus serves as a signal for the high quality of a degree programme (programme accreditation) or of the university and its quality management as a whole (system accreditation).

Further information on accreditation:
Central Evaluation and Accreditation Agency (ZEvA) (opens in a new window)


Arne Buchwald

Pro­fessor Dr. Arne Buch­wald

Academic advisor and head of the degree programme

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1532

Location: Main Building A, A.1.46

To profile of Professor Dr. Arne Buchwald

Peter Mar­quetand

Deputy Head of Studies Office

Application and admission

Phone: +49 731 /9762-2003

Location: Main Building A, A.1.24

To profile of Peter Marquetand

All study doc­u­ments

Also of in­terest:

HNU-Mas­ter in 90 Seconds

(opens in a new window)

Luca  introduces the Digital Innovation Management (MSc) programme in a short interview (The interview was held in German).

Prac­tical pro­jects by stu­dents

(opens in a new window)

At HNU, you apply your theoretical knowledge directly in practical projects with companies. Find out more about interesting practical projects by students at HNU.

360° tour of the HNU

(opens in a new window)

Explore the HNU digitally in our digital 360° tour! Take your time to look around our campus, visit our lecture rooms, laboratories and other rooms and learn exciting insights about studying at HNU!

In­ter­na­tional Of­fice

You come from abroad and are planning to study at the HNU? The International Office will provide you with information on organisational issues such as visas, accommodation, health insurance, financing, working, etc. You will also find an overview of your most important contacts.

Voices about the de­gree pro­gramme


Digital innovations are a central component of increasing digitization. With this degree program, you feel prepared for these changes and gain a future-oriented perspective. We are prepared with theoretical content as well as practical methods for dynamic, increasingly digitally oriented positions and even gain insights into several companies in the second semester, where we can participate in the implementation of innovation-specific topics ourselves.

Roland Kudor, DIM Student