Professor Dr. Arne Buchwald

Research Professor of Digital Innovation Management
Program Director Master Digital Innovation Management
Director of the Institute for Digital Innovation (IDI)

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1532

Location: Main Building A, A.1.46

In­form­a­tion Man­age­ment
Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences
Wileystraße 1
89231 Neu-Ulm
Arne Buchwald

Recent publications

  • Bossler, L. F., Buchwald, A., & Spohrer, K. (in press). And No One Gets the Short End of the Stick: A Blockchain-Based Approach to Solving the Two-Sided Opportunism Problem in Inter-Organizational Information Sharing. Information Systems Research (ISR), Accepted for Publication.

  • Wortmeyer, H., Lorenz, F., Buchwald, A. & Clauß, T. (2024). Digitalisierung und die Herausforderungen neuer Rollen in Top-Management-Teams - Herausforderungen und Implikationen für Aufsichtsräte und Governance. Der Aufsichtsrat. 03/2024. 40-42.

  • Wortmeyer, H., Lorenz, F., Buchwald, A. & Clauß, T. (2023). Beziehungsstatus: Es ist kompliziert – der CDO-CIO-Beziehungscheck. Zeitschrift für Familienunternehmen und Strategie. 06/2023.

  • Lorenz, F., & Buchwald, A. (2023). A perfect match or an arranged marriage? How chief digital officers and chief information officers perceive their relationship: a dyadic research design. European Journal of Information Systems, 32(3), 372-389.

  • Lorenz, F., & Buchwald, A. (2023). Chief Digital Officers’ Social Construction of and Coping with Digital Transformation. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2023, No. 1, p. 11220).

  • Krueger, A., & Buchwald, A. (2023). The Individual in Bootlegging Innovation. In Corporate Underground: Bootleg Innovation and Constructive Deviance (pp. 279-290).

  • Oesterle, S., Buchwald, A., & Urbach, N. (2022). Investigating the Co-Creation of IT Consulting Service Value: Empirical Findings of a Matched Pair Analysis. Electronic Markets. 32, 571–597.

  • Schlecht, L., Schneider, S., & Buchwald, A. (2021). The Prospective Value Creation Potential of Blockchain on Business Models: A Delphi Study. Technological Forecasting & Social Change. 166, May 2021, 120601.

  • Stanula, P., Kohn, O., Lang, E., Metternich, J., Weigold, M., & Buchwald, A. (2021). Economic assessment of stress-based payment models. 54th CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems. Sept 22-24, Athens, Greece.

  • Bossler, L.F., Rogalski, T., Stanula, P., Lang, E., Kohn, O., Metternich, J., Weigold, M., Krönung, J., and Buchwald, A. (2021) Pay-per-Stress – Belastungsorientierte Leasingmodelle im Maschinenbau. Wirtschaftsinformatik & Management, 13, 466-475, DOI: 10.1365/s35764-021-00367-2

  • Schlecht, L., Schneider, S., & Buchwald, A. (2020). Creating Value Through Blockchain Technology: A Delphi Study. 28th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). June 15-17, 2020. Marrakech, Morocco.

  • Stanula, P., Praetzas, C., Kohn, O., Metternich, J., Weigold, M., & Buchwald, A. (2020). Stress-oriented, data-based payment model for machine tools. 53rd CIRP Conference on Manufacturing Systems. July 1-3, Chicago, USA

  • Buchwald, A. & Lorenz, F. (2020). Who is in Charge of Digital Transformation? The Birth and Rise of the Chief Digital Officer. 80th Academy of Management (AoM) Annual Meeting Conference. August 07-11, 2020. Vancouver, Canada.

  • Oesterle, S., Buchwald, A., and Urbach, N. (2019) Less Complex than Expected – What Really Drives IT Consulting Value. 14th International Conference on Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI). February 24-27, Siegen, Germany.

  • von Entress, M., Buchwald, A., Urbach, N. (2019) Will I or will I not? Explaining the willingness to disclose personal self-tracking data to a health insurance company, 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), January 8-11, Maui, Hawaii, USA.

Research interests

  • Digital Innovation (e.g., Blockchain technology, Low/no-code development, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Internet of Things (IoT))

  • Digital Transformation/Digital Strategy

  • Shadow IT, Bottom-Up/Bootlegging Innovation

  • Servitization in the plant and engineering industry

  • Cybersecurity

  • Data ecosystems (Gaia-X, Manufacturing-X)



  • Introduction to Digital Innovation (fall term)
  • Digital Innovation Strategy (fall term)
  • Technology and Application Management (fall term)
  • Innovation Project (spring term)
  • Organization and Processes (for innovation) (spring term)


  • Since 2023: Research Professor for Digital Innovation Management at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU)
  • 2020-2023: Associate professor of digital transformation and information systems at Vlerick Business School in Brussels/Belgium
  • 2016-2019: Assistant professor of digital transformation at EBS Business School in Wiesbaden, Germany
  • 2011-2014: Management consultant at Horváth & Partners Management Consultants in the area of CIO & Project Advisory
  • 2013-2014: Research assistant at the Professorship of Strategic Information Management at the University of Bayreuth
  • 2011-2013: Research assistant at the Institute of Research on Information Systems (IRIS) at the EBS Business School in Wiesbaden

Bachelor and Master theses

Open topics and completed projects can be found on the website of the Institute for Digital Innovation (IDI)

Doctoral/PhD Supervision

As a member (opens in a new window) of the inter-university doctoral programme DIWAG (Digital Innovations in a Changing Society) (opens in a new window) and as a Visiting Research Professor at the University of Ghent (Belgium) (opens in a new window), I supervise doctoral projects.

Consultation hour

Only by prior arrangement by e-mail.