ITEC: IT Executive Circle

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In recent years, the demand has increased considerably for sustainable IT management innovations and network building between academia and industry. The IT Executive Circle (ITEC) was established at the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences (HNU) in response to requests from IT managers of regional companies for more intense opportunities for exchange and networking.

ITEC was established in 2014 by the Institute for Digital Innovation at HNU. Not only does ITEC provide participants with the latest scientific findings on topics relevant to the IT field, but it also offers a platform for professional exchange among participants. The IT Executive Circle started off with seven medium-sized companies from the region. Today it has grown to include ten notable companies. The meetings take place twice a year, alternately held at HNU and at one of the partner companies. At the meetings, HNU experts address concrete current topics and questions raised by the IT managers and offer concrete recommendations and support to the group as a whole.

The participating IT managers and their organisations benefit from the topicality of the scientific findings and, at the same time, receive recommendations with practical relevance as well as tools to assist with implementation and application in their own companies.

At the ITEC meetings, the opportunity for networking and exchanging ideas with colleagues on the selected topics also plays a central role. IDI staff have prepared the following current topics in IT management for ITEC participants:

  • Tools for measuring success of IT service organisation,
  • Digital transformation and Industry 4.0,
  • Controlling the depth of added value for IT organisation,
  • Organisational agility,
  • Blockchain,
  • Make-or-buy decisions

The Institute for Digital Innovation is open to accepting additional IT managers from regional companies into the ITEC circle. Interested parties have the opportunity to become acquainted with the ITEC methods as guests before making the decision to join.

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Sina Zimmermann

Sina Zimmermann

Research Assistant at the Institute for Digital Innovation

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1536

Location: Edisonallee 7, E7.3.03

To profile of Sina Zimmermann

Professor Dr. Heiko Gewald

Professor Dr. Heiko Gewald

Research Professor of Information Management

Director of the Institute for Digital Innovation (IDI)

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1521

Location: Main Building A, A.1.55

To profile of Professor Dr. Heiko Gewald

Professor Dr. Andy Weeger

Professor Dr. Andy Weeger

Professor of Information Management

Head of the degree programme Master of Strategic Information Management

Director of the Institute for Digital Innovation (IDI)

To profile of Professor Dr. Andy Weeger