Big Data in Lo­gist­ics

The Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences and the University of the Western Cape (UWC) in Cape Town / South Africa are collaborating in the project "Big Data in Logistics." This project aims at developing a Master's programme in "Big Data in Logistics" at UWC.


Project duration
2017 - 2020
Project sponsor
Federal Ministry for Economic Collaboration and Development (BMZ)
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

Adressing the current development in the topics big data, data science and predictive analytics for the areas logistics and supply chain management it should equip students with the skills to create and implement analytical applications to tackle logistical problems.

Logistics for South Africa and especially Cape Town is of high importance due to its harbour and the international airport. This led to UWC identifying the importance of the logistic and to meet the high demand for skilled workers in this area. As UWC currently has no academic programme, this new project is of high strategic importance.

This project continues and strengthens the close cooperation between the HNU and UWC whereas HNU contributes its expert knowledge in the areas of logistics and data science into the project.

The duration of the project is four years ending in 2020. Until the end of 2017 the curriculum for the new course of study was be developed together with UWC and first cohort started in 2018. The following years features joint activities like student exchange programmes, guest lecturer visits from both universities and a joint summer school at both locations.


funded by the DAAD with financial means of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)


Event: Ob­ject De­tec­tion and Ar­ti­fi­ci­al In­tel­li­gence

(opens in a new window)

Object Detection and Artificial Intelligence are topics of the future. Students from HNU and the South African partner university UWC worked intensively on these topics from November 16 to 20 in a hackathon, which took place virtually for the first time this year.
Interested parties were cordially invited to learn more about use cases of the technologies and practical applications in the supply chain on November 18th, 2020.

(1) Challenges and Possibilities of IoT, Prof. Dr. Tobias Engel, HNU
(2) AI App Development, Nadiem von Heydebrand,
(3) Live Demo: Object Detection, Andreas Hess, HNU

The In­dustry 4.0 Sup­ply Chain IOT Hack­a­thon

(opens in a new window)

One week hackathon for students
November 2020 / online

Students learned how business applications are related to IT and analytics. At the end, students understood how the necessary aspects have to be related in order to create value for firms.

HNU Team

Pro­fess­orin Dr. Dany Meyer

Professor of Software Engineering

Deputy women's representative of the university

Study Advisor Data Science Management

Extraordinary Professor at the University of the Western Cape - Cape Town (South Africa)

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1511

Location: Main Building A, A.1.41

To profile of Professorin Dr. Dany Meyer

Danny Meyer

Pro­fessor Dr. Jörg-Oliver Vogt

Head of the degree programme Information Management Automotive

Head of the Centre for Corporate Performance Management

To profile of Professor Dr. Jörg-Oliver Vogt

Jörg-Oliver Vogt