In­ter­na­tional Star­tup League

One of the central tasks of a University of Applied Sciences (HAW) is to prepare students for the working and living environment of tomorrow, in which new flexible forms of work are gaining in importance and an even stronger international networking and collaboration is emerging. For the working world of tomorrow, companies and organizations need specialists and managers who not only think and act internationally, but are also internationally networked. For this reason, it is of central importance, especially in the context of academic education and training, to promote international thinking and work at different levels and international networking.

Other tasks of a HAW include the development of entrepreneurship skills, i.e. entrepreneurial thinking and acting, and the support of student start-ups. Business start-ups, especially in an international context, are becoming increasingly important. HAWs and universities often set up startup centers and incubators for this purpose. The project "International Startup League" (ISUL) combines the above-mentioned aspects (internationality / startup) by means of an integrative approach.

Specifically, the following three project objectives are pursued:
• Strengthening international cooperation
• Expansion of digital, international and practice-oriented study programmers
• Promoting networking between teaching, administration and research

On the basis of the objectives outlined, the following project results are sought:
• Established network in the context of startup/entrepreneurship
• Digital, international and practice-oriented study programmes
• Networking of employees from teaching, administration and research.

ISUL Network Meeting in October 2022, City Tour of Ulm

Part­ner Uni­versit­ies

Pro­jects of the In­ter­na­tional Star­tup League

We have both long-term projects and regular events within our network.

Regular events include: 

  • An annual joint summer school in changing locations. In 2023 this will take place at HNU. More info can be found here
  • Once per semester a joint Zoom expert talk (International Founders Talk) focussing on a start-up ecosystem in a specific country. One expert will talk about the startup ecoysytem and one founder of a start-up will talk about how they first started out with their business idea and give insight on which tools and resources were helpful to them. Read about the last International Founders Talk which was about Chile
  • Joint lectures by professors from two or more ISUL partner universities

Regarding international transfer we provide: 

Long-term projects we are working on are: 

  • A joint certificate on 'international entrepreneurship' that can be obtained by attending online lectures (more info to follow soon)
  • A joint masters degree (90 ECTS) on 'international entrepreneurship' where students live in up to three different locations and attend lectures at the ISUL partner universities (projected to start in fall 2024)

Know­ledge and Re­search

We conduct application-oriented research on the subject of entrepreneurship and related topics and generate practice-relevant results.
The following topics are relevant to our research: entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship, business model innovation, customer experience design, customer centricity.
We primarily use the following methods, which we combine with one another if necessary: case study research, action research.

Our Vis­ion

We will be the most student-centered international entrepreneurial community, providingskills, practical experiences, and networking.

Our Mis­sion

Our mission is to qualify students and staff into global and entrepreneurial leaders bybuilding a professional network of experts through an ongoing process of training and constant improvement. 
Our mission explained:

  • Application-oriented qualification and sensitization of students on entrepreneurship and related topics (e.g., sustainable entrepreneurship, social entrepreneurship, sustainable development goals of the UN, EU Green Deal)
  • Motivation of students from diverse cultures to initiate innovative ideas and to build new ventures.
  • Networking at international level of students from diverse cultures, also promoting networking between teaching, administration, and research

Our Val­ues

  • Equality
  • Responsibility
  • Entrepreneurial Mindset

That means...
… we support equal opportunities, openness, fairness and tolerance and diversity among allpartners and students.
… we work in a responsible, respectful, trustworthy and transparent way for students, partners, and the environment.
… we commit passionately to an entrepreneurial mindset for our project, following creative and critical thinking and focussing on topics and activities that help our project and acting in a goal- and results-oriented manner.

Co­oper­a­tion within the In­ter­na­tional Star­tup League

The cooperation within ISUL is derived directly from the above-mentioned values. Diversification and the discussion of opposing points of view are desirable in order to achieve better quality results. This requires respect for other opinions, especially in communication. The responsibility for successful communication rests with the speaker and the listener alike. All partners and contributors of ISUL guarantee each other absolute confidentiality towards third parties.