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HNU re­view of the year 2023

19.12.2023, Re­searched :

An eventful year is drawing to a close - also on the Wiley campus. In the HNU annual review, we look back at important moments, projects and successes of the last twelve months at our university.

Happy Hol­i­days

The HNU wishes all students, employees, partners and supporters happy holidays and a healthy, successful year 2024!

The year in facts and fig­ures

Status: 30.11.2023/18.12.2023

  • 153.258

    clicks on the YouTube tutorials of the HNU library.

  • 34.324

    meetings on Zoom took place: 209,468 participants talked to each other in 11,155,436 minutes on the video communication platform.

  • 29.877

    print books were borrowed from the HNU library in 2023.

  • 5.999

    customers used the HNU library this year.

  • 5.405

    new e-books were added to the HNU library's collection - and 1,330 new print books.

  • 1.277

    e-learning courses were completed at HNU in 2023.

  • 161

    HNU students have spent a semester abroad.

  • 128

    publications by HNU scientists were recorded in the publication database E-Prints in 2023 - 95 of them in the peer review process.

  • 112

    International Exchange Students were guests at HNU for one or two semesters.

  • 82

    different nationalities are among the HNU students.

  • 59

    years old is the oldest HNU student.

  • 37

    teams and ideas coached by HNU's Founders Space by the end of November 2023 alone.

  • 25

    new employees in science and administration joined HNU in 2023 - including one former HNU trainee who was taken on directly.

  • 17

    years old is the youngest HNU student. 

  • 14

    welcome packages were distributed to newborn children of HNU members in 2023.

  • 7

     international universities have joined HNU 2023 as partners. 

  • 4

    neue Professorinnen und Professoren haben ihre Arbeit an der HNU in diesem Jahr augenommen. 

The most suc­cess­ful LinkedIn posts in 2023

1st place 

At the top of the podium for the most successful LinkedIn posts on the HNU Channel 2023: our post about Career Week at HNU.
To the post (opens in a new window)


Place to be for alumni

There is a group on LinkedIn for HNU alumni and all those connected to HNU - it's worth joining!
To the group (opens in a new window)

2nd place

The article about the Graduate Gala 2023 was almost as popular.
To the post (opens in a new window)

Did you know...?

The cities in which HNU's LinkedIn channel has the most followers besides (New) Ulm are Munich and Stuttgart.

3rd place

The conclusion of the strategic partnerships also inspired many: the corresponding contribution landed in third place.
To the post (opens in a new window)

Fol­lower suc­cess

This year, HNU's LinkedIn channel broke the 10,000 mark: a remarkable result for a university with around 4,000 students.

The news high­lights 2023

News and press releases of the last twelve months

Janu­ary 2023

Min­is­terial Dir­ector Haaf vis­its the HNU

In his new role as Head of the Department of Universities of Applied Sciences at the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts (StMWK), Ministerialdirigent Dr. Tobias Haaf visits HNU.

Feb­ru­ary 2023

HNU enters into stra­tegic part­ner­ships with re­gional com­pan­ies

From network to utility network: HNU concludes cooperation agreements for strategic collaboration with ten companies in the region. The new network, which is unique in this form, is intended to promote innovative strength in the region in an even more targeted way in future, as well as helping to secure skilled workers and expand international competitiveness.

March 2023

500 new stu­dents start their stud­ies in the 2023 sum­mer semester

Around 4,000 students are enrolled at HNU for the summer semester 2023, including over 500 first-year students. The Master's degree programs Social Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development (M.A.) and Communication and Design for Sustainability (M.A.) are new.

April 2023

HNU re­ceives a new TTZ in the field of di­gital and sus­tain­able value cre­ation sys­tems

Together with Augsburg University of Applied Sciences, HNU has successfully applied for the establishment of a new Technology Transfer Center (TTZ), which will promote the transfer of knowledge and technology on digital and sustainable value creation systems in the North Swabia region.

May 2023

Hello again @ HNU: Big alumni event takes place at the HNU

Over 120 graduates and 30 professors will come together at the "Hello again @ HNU" alumni event at HNU on May 3. They will be shown what has happened at the university since they graduated and meet up to network.

June 2023

Look­ing to the fu­ture: HNU signs the uni­versity frame­work agree­ment

HNU President Prof. Dr. Uta M. Feser signs the framework agreement between the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts (StMWK) and the Bavarian universities, which sets out overarching goals for science policy and university funding from 2023 to 2027.

July 2023

HNU is sys­tem ac­cred­ited free of charge

HNU is in a position to independently ensure and further develop quality standards in studies and teaching: This was the conclusion reached by the Accreditation Council, which awarded the university system accreditation without any conditions following a successful external assessment procedure. HNU may now award the "accredited" quality seal to its degree programs itself until 2031.

Au­gust 2023

Stu­dents set up a bi­cycle ser­vice sta­tion for more sus­tain­able mo­bil­ity

Some HNU students start the "Bicycle Repair Station" project in their project management course - with a great result: bicycles can now be serviced and repaired at the university. In cooperation with the city of Neu-Ulm and the HNU's Sustainability Steering Committee, a bicycle repair station was set up behind the white HNU building and inaugurated on 22 August.

Septem­ber 2023

HNU se­cures and shapes its fu­ture in the uni­versity con­tract

The university contract, in which the HNU defines its individual goals for the future viability of the university in coordination with the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts (StMWK), will be signed by HNU Vice President Prof. Dr. Julia Kormann on September 21.

Oc­to­ber 2023

HNU re­ceives doc­toral centre

The Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts (StMWK) has granted HNU the independent right to award doctorates for an initial period of seven years as part of a doctoral center successfully applied for jointly with OTH Amberg-Weiden and HaW Landshut. This means that it is now possible for young academics to complete a doctorate directly at HNU.

Novem­ber 2023

400 guests at­tend the 14th IT Con­gress on AI

Is artificial intelligence a curse or a blessing? How can we turn AI into a strength and where are the limits? These questions are the focus of the Neu-Ulm | Ulm 2023 IT Congress, which will take place on the Wiley Campus on November 9.

Decem­ber 2023

With the EX­IST Wo­men pro­gram, HNU strengthens wo­men in start-ups

HNU and its Founders Space are sending out a strong signal: The program, supported by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK), is aimed specifically at women from the university community who are interested in founding a company and supports them with coaching offers and financial resources.

Cam­pus idyll at the end

Die beliebtesten Instagram-Posts 2023

Number 1 of the most popular photos 2021 on the HNU Instagram channel: a sunny summer morning on the Wiley campus.


A photo of the HNU campus also lands in second place: this time the sun is falling into the HNU lake.

The campus idyll remains: 3rd place on the Insta winner's podium goes to another impression of the HNU campus.