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HNU stu­dents de­velop so­cial me­dia con­cepts for craft busi­nesses

24.02.2023, Study :

Students of the Bachelor's degree program Information Management and Corporate Communications (IMUK) have developed social media concepts for selected craft enterprises in cooperation with the Chamber of Crafts for Swabia (HWK Schwaben).

Under the direction of Prof. Andrea Kimpflinger, students in the elective course "Social Media" worked on designing proposals for the social media presences of a total of five regional craft businesses. The goal was to develop creative strategies that take into account the individual goals and target groups of each business. Several teams spent a semester tinkering with the innovative concepts - including one team that was superordinately dedicated to creating a short "how-to social media" for craft businesses.

Lukas März, Innovation and Technology Officer (BIT) with a focus on digitalization at the Swabian Chamber of Skilled Crafts, acted as a link between the university and the participating craft businesses. Since the elective took place online and in the evening hours, the respective companies were able to participate in both the briefing and the final presentation.

Further projects of this kind between the HNU and the HWK Schwaben are planned for the future. In this way, cooperation activities between university and practice can be promoted, the craft enterprises can be supported in their challenges and the students can be prepared for their future careers.

Prof. Andrea Kimpflinger

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The students of the elective course "Social Media" with Lukas März from the HWK Schwaben (first row, left) and Prof. Andrea Kimpflinger (first row, second from left)