In­tro­duc­tion week 2024

Welcome to HNU! On this page you will find everything you need for a successful start to your studies. We await you with varied activities to introduce you to your degree programme and to get to know your fellow students.

Your studies begin with the legendary "O-Phase" (orientation phase). On this page you will find information about the schedule and the planned events.

30.09. - 02.10.2024
Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences

What takes place?

Wel­come & In­tro­duc­tion

We take you by the hand: In the "O-Phase" you are introduced to university life and your degree programme and meet your fellow students during the get-to-know-you activities of the student council. The business game prepares you for your studies with a business task and teamwork.

Ac­tions of the stu­dent rep­res­ent­a­tion

Foreign city, foreign people? Through shared experiences such as a city rally, Kässpätzle dinner or afterparty, it quickly becomes "My city, my people!

Pro­gramme in­tro­duc­tion

Pay attention!  Each degree programme has its own introductory programme. To ensure that your studies run smoothly, the programme directors explain the structure of the degree programmes and all important procedures and rules.

Busi­ness sim­u­la­tion

Playfully get to know and understand processes and decisions in companies. A MUST for almost all Bachelor students at HNU - and not only because of compulsory attendance.


It is possible to take preliminary courses for various degree programmes. For example, there are maths or programming courses. If there is no preliminary course, you have the option of taking the "Online Mathematik Brückenkurs".

All pre-courses

Gen­eral pro­gramme

  • Around mid-July 2024, the welcome events will be listed here.
  • The programme always reflects the current state of planning - changes are possible at any time.

Spe­cific pro­gramme of stud­ies

  • Around mid-July 2024, the introductory events for the specific degree courses will be listed here.
  • The programme always just reflects the current state of planning - changes are possible at any time.

You have ques­tions?

De­part­ments of Stud­ies & Ex­am­in­a­tion