Busi­ness sim­u­la­tion


The business simulation at the HNU is a compulsory event for almost all Bachelor's degree programmes (with the exception of Physician Assistant and Postgraduate studies).

Why a business game?

Your task and role is to work in a team with your fellow students, in a scenario supported by tutors, as a company management to deal with business tasks and problem areas and to make appropriate decisions. 
In addition to maximising profits, the goals of your entrepreneurial activities should include achieving a secure market position and a positive employment policy, i.e. in summary: To be successful as a company!

Alongside this, it is an elementary aim of the freshers' simulation to

  • to train them in self-organised teamwork,
  • to support the formation of networks, 
  • to strengthen the independent use of Moodle and Zoom.

What is there to win?

From cinema vouchers to group prizes, such as bowling, laser tag or bouldering, there are a variety of high-quality prizes to be won by the group winners each semester.


14.03. &15.03.2024

starting at 9 a.m.

Business simulation
Participation in the business simulation is mandatory.

HNU atrium

For more information on the business simulation, please click here:

to the business game