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Mag­dalena Seitz

Study programme: Information Management and Corporate Communications (BA)

Employer: MULTIVAC Sepp Haggenmüller SE & Co. KG

Position: Team Leader Visitor Management

For what reasons did you decide to study at HNU?
I grew up in the Allgäu region and wanted to study in a larger city that was nevertheless close to home. After two of my friends were already studying at HNU, I looked into it in more detail and developed a great interest in the Information Management and Corporate Communications (B.A.) program - and finally enrolled in it. It was absolutely the right decision, both in terms of the course content and the distance from home.

What tips can you give young people who are looking for the right course of study?
In my opinion, it is particularly important for your career decision to find out what you are particularly interested in, what you are "burning for" and where your own strengths and inclinations lie. At the time, I did several internships in different companies and tried out a wide range of different directions.

What tips would you give to students in your degree program?
Group work is high on the agenda in my degree program, and in studies in general. That's why it's helpful to team up with fellow students who think very similarly to you. This way, you can work and learn together perfectly, support each other in the most difficult exam phases and achieve the best results in the end. For myself, I quickly realized that prioritizing is enormously important, just like my indispensable to-do lists.

What did your internship semester look like and what tasks did you take on?
I completed my internship semester at an electricity provider in the Allgäu region of Germany and was lucky enough to be able to do a lot of work independently and exactly in line with my study focus. Among other things, I helped organize events, maintained the website and created print advertising. In this respect, I would say that my internship semester was both exhausting and child's play; some tasks came easily to me, while others I had to really learn the ropes.

What is your advice to all graduates who are looking for their first job?
Also be open to jobs whose requirements you can't fulfill 100% at first glance or about which you don't feel 100% confident. Many requirements or qualities can be acquired through daily doing. This was also the case with my first job after graduation - you constantly expand your knowledge and skills and grow with your challenges.

What is your advice to all graduates who are looking for their first job?
My first job after graduation is still my current job. I wrote my thesis at MULTIVAC in Wolfertschwenden in 2016 and was subsequently taken on in a permanent position in Visitor Management. Today, just under 4 years later, I am already allowed to lead my own team and, in addition to the personnel responsibility for my employees, I am responsible for the entire reception, visitor and event management here at the company headquarters. Together with my team, I organize and coordinate (international) customer visits and events. This also includes internal training and various marketing projects in the area of Visitor Management.

Please describe your daily work routine. What projects do you work on and what tasks do you particularly enjoy?
In my job, there is a lot of organizing and coordinating to do. I am in close contact with colleagues and external service providers, collect ideas and distribute the tasks in the team accordingly to create a successful event. With the construction of our new visitor center at the site, a major new project came up for me and my team: the establishment of a new visitor management system and the successful conversion of the reception operations. What I particularly appreciate about my job is the diverse collaboration with a wide range of departments and countries and the variety, as no two days are ever the same.

What are your professional goals for the future?
Thanks to our new customer and visitor center at the company's headquarters, I have the opportunity to further expand our reception and visitor management professionally together with my team. However, my greatest goal or wish is that I continue to enjoy my work so much.

How would you complete the following sentence?
"has greatly shaped and developed my independence. I had a great time at Neu-Ulm University and look back on my time studying here with great pleasure."