Prac­tical ex­per­i­ence on top

Are you faced with the decision: study or training? Why not combine the two and take advantage of all the benefits?
This means combining theory-based studies with practical learning in a company. The HNU offers you several options:

Study with in-depth prac­tice

Combine studying at HNU with longer, regular practical phases in a company. Unlike the Ulmer Modell, however, you will not undergo training.

A brief in­tro­duc­tion to the pro­gramme:

What is a degree programme with in-depth practical experience?

When studying with in-depth practice, you supplement your regular Bachelor's degree course with regular practical phases in a company. Unlike the degree course with vocational training, however, you do not undergo vocational training in this case.

What are the requirements for a degree course with in-depth practical experience?

  • The practical work must be related to the content of your degree programme.
  • You must complete at least 150 full-time days in your Bachelor's degree programme. If you also spend the internship semester at the same company, this alone will give you 100 days.
  • In the Master's programme, you must complete a total of 8.5 months (including the Master's thesis).
  • You must spend all practical days at the same company.
  • In the Bachelor's programme, you must start the in-depth practical training within the first three semesters of your degree.

How do I get credit for the degree programme with in-depth practical experience?

  1. Work at least 150 days (full-time) in a company.
  2. Then submit the relevant documents to Mr Marquetand by e-mail, i.e. student employment contract, internship certificate and work reference (if not yet available, the work reference can be submitted later. ) If the minimum of 150 days is not clear from the documents mentioned, a confirmation from the company of the days actually worked (calculated full-time) is also required.
  3. Once the documents have been checked, you will receive the "Study with in-depth practical experience" certificate
  4. Secure an advantage over other applicants with your application.

Which de­gree pro­grammes can you study?

All full-time degree programmes (Bachelor's/Master's) can be studied with in-depth practical experience. Part-time degree programmes are excluded from this.


De­gree pro­gramme with vo­ca­tional train­ing (Ulmer Mod­ell)

Combine a degree programme at HNU with vocational training at a company such as Liebherr, Voith, Heidelberger Druckmaschinen and many others. In addition to a university degree, you will also receive a qualification in a recognised training occupation.

A brief in­tro­duc­tion to the pro­gramme:

What is a degree programme with vocational training?

In the degree programme with vocational training, you combine a full-time degree course with full vocational training in a company and vocational school. At the end of the programme, you will not only have a university degree, but also a vocational training qualification from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce or Chamber of Crafts.

How does the degree programme work?

Unlike the 3.5 years of a regular Bachelor's degree programme, the combined degree programme lasts 4.5 years. After six months of training, you start the degree programme and continue your training in parallel. You will work in the company during the lecture-free periods.

  • 1.Term

    You usually start the first semester on 1 September and spend it entirely training in the company and at vocational school.

  • 2. + 3.Term

    Your first semester at the university begins now. You will spend the next two semesters at the university during lecture periods and at the company during the lecture-free period.

  • 4. + 5.Term

    In the 4th and 5th semesters, you will spend all of your time in the company and complete your training with the IHK/HWK examination.

  • 6. - 8.Term

    From this point onwards, you will mainly study at the university again. During the lecture-free period, you will work in your company.

  • 9.Term

    You write your Bachelor's thesis in your company and complete your degree programme with it.

How do I apply for the degree programme?

The companies advertise the training places and select their trainees. A training contract is concluded between the company as the training organisation and you.

You then use the HNU online portal (opens in a new window) to apply for the corresponding degree programme with vocational training (combined degree programme). The joint degree programmes are set up as independent degree programmes in the application portal.

You should send a copy of the training contract with the company where you are completing your training along with the other documents when you apply.

Which com­bin­a­tion can you study?

At HNU, you can study the Industrial Engineering (BEng) degree programme in combination with training as an industrial mechanic.

The vocational school lessons take place at the vocational school in Günzburg or at the Robert Bosch School in Ulm.

Fur­ther in­form­a­tion

Further information, including information on possible partner companies, can be found on the website of Ulm University of Applied Sciences


Peter Mar­quetand

For content-related and organisational questions

Phone: +49 731 /9762-2003

Location: Main Building A, A.1.24

To profile of Peter Marquetand

Why is a de­gree pro­gramme with a high prac­tical com­pon­ent worth­while?

  1. Gain intensive practical experience
  2. Gain intensive familiarisation and insights into a company
  3. Get to know your potential employer
  4. Build up excellent career opportunities
  5. Earn money to finance your studies

In­form­a­tion for com­pan­ies

Gain freight la­bour.

Become a corporate partner as part of the degree programme with vocational training according to the Ulm Model or the degree programme with in-depth practical experience and get in touch with future specialists and managers at an early stage.

Fre­quently asked ques­tions

How can you become a corporate partner?

You can register free of charge as a company partner of the HNU in the "hochschule dual" Study Place Portal. Once you have been approved, you can register your company as a practice partner for our degree programmes. You will find a detailed description in the User Guide for Practice Partners.

What advantages do you have?

  • Potential employees are retained by your company at an early stage and in the long term.

  • You select high-performing and highly motivated students who apply their academic knowledge for your company during their studies and develop customised solutions for your company.

  • You maintain close contact with academia, as you actively shape the transfer of knowledge between practice and theory.

  • You save costs when recruiting new employees, as cost-intensive trainee programmes are no longer necessary.

Your con­tact