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Ju­li­a von Dosky

Portrait von Julia von Dosky

Study programmes: Information Management and Corporate Communications (BA) / General Management (MA) at Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen

Employer: Deloitte GmbH Auditing

Position: Managerin Mergers & Acquisitions Transaction Services (M&A)

Contact: LinkedIn-profile (opens in a new window)

What tips can you give young people who are looking for the right degree programme?
Back then, when I was deciding which degree programme to start, the research options were nowhere near what they are today. I found HNU and the IMUK degree programme in the traditional way at a trade fair and was completely convinced after one day of "Campus Live". I wanted a degree programme that combined my strengths and interests, i.e. communication, design and IT supplemented by important business components. So I listened to my gut feeling (very important) today, as I did then, that the degree programme with its focus on interdisciplinary interface work would be future-oriented and important. Although at the beginning of my studies I had a different idea of where I wanted to work (advertising agency), that changed through my studies, semesters abroad, internships and self-employment as a freelancer. It's important to be open and at the same time think about where you want to go, what you need to do to get there, but that it's also okay to only really find yourself and learn where you belong during your studies.

Semester abroad: In which country were you and what did you experience during this time?
I spent my semester abroad in Seoul, South Korea, in the summer semester of 2014. It was an incredibly exciting and formative time. In addition to my fellow South Korean students, an incredible number of nations were represented at my exchange university, Hanyang University. The accommodation in the university's own student residence automatically meant that you were confronted with different cultures, interests and fields of study, and you very quickly built up an international circle of friends and also made friends with local students. During the semester, I also took an intensive Korean course, roamed around Seoul a lot and travelled the country. Hanyang University offered many exciting subjects in its curriculum that had not been available at HNU before, which allowed me to further sharpen my profile and take courses that interested me.

What experiences during your studies have had a particular impact on you?
During my time at HNU, I was also active in the student council for several semesters and took part in convention and faculty meetings and, as a student owner, gained important insights into the appointment committees of new professors and lecturers. This has allowed me to help shape everyday life, teaching and the development of HNU for us students. In addition, I have seized the opportunities offered to me to take on new challenges and tasks, to think outside the box and move out of my comfort zone. Be it in the form of organising our IM excursion to Tokyo, as part of the student council, or as a bachelor student in a fintech start-up. HNU offers you many opportunities to develop, to find out what you are good at and what you want to do in the future.

What was your first job like and how did you become interested in it?
I moved to Frankfurt quite spontaneously and at short notice for my bachelor's thesis, had no idea what to expect and felt right at home in the Main metropolis. My plan was actually to start working in an agency in Hamburg after finishing my bachelor's degree, but somehow that didn't quite work out. I also noticed through the environment of my work that my interest grew in the direction of the business administration components. So I decided to stay in Frankfurt and take a GAP year to find out for myself whether it was the agency work I wanted to do or whether my journey should go somewhere else. Following two internships in consulting and business development, I finally decided to study general management at Zeppelin University. I also completed a semester abroad (Latvia) and various internships. I was actually approached for my entry-level job at a BIG4 company in the Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) department while I was still studying. At the time, the interview partners were enthusiastic about the complementation of the IMUK degree programme with General Management and the various internships. Today, I am a manager in the Mergers & Acquisitions department at Deloitte and can still draw on the experience and teaching content of the IMUK programme, especially with regard to IT topics.

Please describe your everyday working life. Which projects do you work on and which tasks do you particularly appreciate?
As a manager in M&A projects, I take on the role of a sub-project or workstream manager in transactions (i.e. company mergers or splits). I work very internationally and almost always beyond the German borders, which means that the project language is usually English. Working in and with my team is particularly important in order to successfully complete such a large project, which is usually worth several million euros. Especially in M&A projects, the knowledge of corporate processes and the associated interfaces is important in order to be able to advise our clients well. Since our projects often have an impact on stock market prices, we are bound to absolute secrecy. In return, however, we work directly with the upper management and help the companies achieve their corporate goals.

How would you complete the following sentence beginning?
"was a good place to start my journey."