Con­tact per­sons

Here you will find the most important contact persons for your questions. Your contacts before and during your studies are the same as for all other students at the HNU - in some areas international students like you receive additional support from the International Office. Our offer will become interesting for you after you have received your admission for the HNU.

Whom can I ap­proach?

Sign up for our information sessions and buddy programme (opens in a new window) to learn more about our services. 

For prospective students


Application and admission (for Bachelor or Master programmes)

Deputy Head of Studies Office (opens in a new window)
Finding a degree programme that suits you, doubts about studies and dropping outStudent advisory service (opens in a new window), Study ambassadors (opens in a new window)

Content-related and academic questions about the study programme

Subject-specific study advice and programme director (opens in a new window)

After admission to the HNU and during studies

In ad­di­tion, all other uni­versity's fa­cil­it­ies are avail­able to you:

Stu­dent Ser­vices Or­gan­isa­tion

The Student Services Organisation Studentenwerk Augsburg (opens in a new window) runs the canteen at the HNU and supports students with student residences next to the university's campus.

For learner support, help with exam anxiety and personal problems, the Psychosocial Counseling Service (opens in a new window) run by the Studentenwerk Ulm, also supports student of the HNU.

Im­port­ant note

Please help us to use our time efficiently and therefore contact only one person at a time. Your inquiries will be forwarded internally if you have not written to the right person.
