Find a room

You can either live in Neu-Ulm or in Ulm (or the surrounding area). As parts of a twincity, Neu-Ulm and Ulm are close by and only separated by the river Danube. Please note that different authorities (e.g. for registering your seat of residence or extending your visa) are responsible depending on where you live.

Important: You have to organise accommodation yourself. At the beginning of the semester (especially in winter) there are very few rooms in Neu-Ulm and Ulm. It is therefore worthwhile to start searching for housing already from your home country in good time. Start directly after your admission.

Stu­dent res­id­ence in Neu-Ulm

  • You apply online for a room in the public student residence"Heinz-Rühmann-Straße" in Neu-Ulm run by the Student Service Organisation Augsburg (in German: "Studentenwerk Augsburg"). Here you can live in single or double apartments at reasonable prices, and it is only a 7-minute walk to the university. You can expect a waiting period of 1-2 semesters. Apply as early as possible (they work with a waiting list!).  When you apply directly at the "Studentenwerk Augsburg", you have to upload your enrolment or admission document, click here for the online application.

Watch out: The Student Service organisation"Studierendenwerk Ulm" does not offer housing to HNU students (responsibility depends on federal state). You can only apply, if you are also enrolled in Ulm via a cooperative degree programme.

private room search

  • In addition to residential accommodation, the Student Service Organisation Augsburg provides a free accommodation service for private rooms and apartments for students and those applying to study in Augsburg, Kempten and Neu-Ulm. You can search for current offers in the online database or you can place your own request.
  • You can look privately for a flat or a shared flat (German: Wohngemeinschaft = WG) in Neu-Ulm or Ulm. Here you will find useful tips for your search on the private housing market. We like to emphasise the daily updated private room index
  • Networking is key! Tell your your fellow students, coworkers and the International Office, that you're looking for a new accomodation, they might know some who is planning to move out of his or her place. Are you looking for a shared flat (WG) and you do not know how to apply? Find some templates here and how to organise the flatshare search

  • You can apply for a room in a private dormitory. There are operators of larger, modern, private dormitories at higher prices, which have more specific requirements for the conclusion of a lease.
    • Campus Village, it should be noted that a proof of private liability insurance and a tenant self-disclosure form must be provided.
    • Uni Apart, you also need proof of liability insurance and a third person with joint liability insurance with registered residence in Germany. Therefore, Uni Apart is often not an option for international students unless you have relatives or friends in Germany who vouch for you.

If you cannot find a room before your arrival, you can stay in a hostel, hotel or youth hostel for a transitional period of up to 3 months (e.g. the Brickstone Hostel Neu-Ulm (opens in a new window), the Orange Hotel (opens in a new window)  a hotel with apartments or the Youth Hostel in Ulm (opens in a new window)).

Links to hall of res­id­ences

Links to hous­ing portals