Sci­entific de­part­ment Health Man­age­ment

We train experts with a mix of economic, information technology, medical and health and nursing science knowledge, who are practically prepared for controlling and leading tasks at the management level of companies in the booming health industry.

artiso TechTalk: "Wie die Di­git­al­is­ier­ung das Ge­sund­heit­swesen trans­formiert"

Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Johannes Schobel am 22. Oktober 2024 im  Rahmen des artiso INNO DAY 2024.


Digitalisation has arrived in the healthcare sector. The opportunities are many and varied, but we also face major obstacles. Our research helps to answer pressing questions.

De­gree pro­grammes

Business administration, health informatics, medicine or digital health management - we offer exciting and varied Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes!


Rep­res­ent­at­ive of the sci­entific de­part­ment

Team of the sci­entific de­part­ment

(opens in a new window)

Here you will find an overview of all employees of the faculty in alphabetical order.