Scientific department Business and Economics

The goal is interdisciplinarity! This is why the Faculty of Business Administration and Economics combines business administration and economics with law, information management and business psychology. In cooperative study programs with Ulm University of Applied Sciences, students acquire sound knowledge in the fields of engineering and logistics.

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Bachelor's degree programmes

Business Studies (BA)

1 study programme - 18 specialisations - 8 study profiles: Business Studies enable a quick career entry into management, regardless of the industry and the business sector.

Industrial Engineering (BEng)

Tomorrow's specialists at the interface of management and production: combining economic and technical know-how and ensuring an extra portion of practice.

Business Criminology (BA)

Immerse yourself in the world of white-collar crime: whether money laundering, embezzlement, accounting fraud or investment fraud - this degree programme prepares you comprehensively for the challenges of white-collar crime. 

Business Psychology (BSc)

Understand how people, masses, and markets really tick: This degree programme combines business know-how with psychological knowledge and prepares students for a wide range of job opportunities in market research, marketing or human resources.

Master's degree programmes

Advanced Management (MSc)

Business and Economics degree programmes deepen and complement: This Master qualifies students to take on management tasks, entrepreneurial responsibility and independent scientific research.

Advanced Sales Management and Intelligence (MSc)

Rethinking sales digitally: This Master combines sales know-how with digital competence and qualifies you in the area of international markets.

Social Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Development (MA)

Shaping entrepreneurship and innovation responsibly: This English-language master's combines social entrepreneurship, sustainability management and international development cooperation and prepares you for internationally responsible leadership positions.

Postgraduate studies in our further education programme

General Management (MBA)

The degree programme is aimed at professionals with a completed first degree who wish to qualify for management and leadership positions.

Institutes & Competence Centres

Representative of the scientific department

[Translate to English:] Niklas Homfeldt

Professor Dr. Niklas B. Homfeldt

Dean of the Department of Busi­ness and Eco­nom­ics

Professor / Business Administration with focus on Accounting

To profile of Professor Dr. Niklas B. Homfeldt

Eva Maria Weis

Faculty Secretary Faculty of Economics

Phone: +49 731 /9762-1401

Location: Main Building A, A.2.35

To profile of Eva Maria Weis

All employees of the scientific department

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An overview of all employees in alphabetical order can be found here.

News from the scientific department