
Fund­ing through the Deutsch­land­sti­pen­dium

150 Euros from private sponsors – 150 Euros from the federal government
Each scholarship is co-financed by private sponsors and the federal government. The university raises 1.800 Euros per student from companies, foundations or private individuals. This amount then gets doubled from federal resources.

> Homepage Deutschlandstipendium (opens in a new window)
A strong network of students and companies in the region
Through the Deutschlandstipendium the HNU rewards outstanding achievements and social commitment of their students – starting from the first semester. Besides the financial and non-material support, the scholars and sponsors have the opportunity to exchange views.

Information for sponsors (in German)

Sup­port­ing young tal­ents to­gether with the Neu-Ulm Uni­versity of Ap­plied Sci­ences

The Deutschlandstipendium provides qualified and committed students with 300 euros per month for at least one year, regardless of income. One half is provided by a private sponsor, the other half by the state.

How does the Deutschlandstipendium work?

What are the reasons for this?

  • You get to know motivated and responsible students personally during your studies and present your company as a potential employer.
  • You promote networking at the HNU and strengthen the university and business location of Ulm/Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences.
  • You enable students to spend their time studying because you make a significant contribution to securing their livelihood. 
  • They contribute significantly to the development of a scholarship culture in Germany.
  • They not only attract the attention of the best students, but also that of the public.
  • You will receive a donation receipt, because participation in the Deutschlandstipendium is considered a donation and is therefore tax-deductible.

Which disciplines can be funded?

In principle, our aim is to distribute the scholarships as equally as possible among all faculties/departments, which is guaranteed by a high number of scholarships not tied to a specific subject. However, it is also possible for the scholarships to be subject bound. The following subject areas (some with special emphases) are offered at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences:

  • Business Studies
  • Health Management
  • Information Management
  • Industrial Engineering and Management
  • Business Information Technology

What is to be done?

They determine the duration of funding, which must be at least one year. Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences informs the students, selects scholarship holders according to defined criteria and organises the funding.

Download (in German)

Ap­ply here

Please hand in the signed application agreement and privacy statement. You can download it here (opens in a new window)

Fur­ther in­form­a­tion


Application period for students enrolled at the HNU1st of March to of 15th June
Application period for applicants for the winter semester1st of March to 20th of September
Selection interviewspresumably end of September / beginning of October
Dispatch of notificationsuntill the middle of October 
Commencement of fundingwith the beginning of the respective winter semester


Who can apply?

  • Students studying for a bachelor or masters degree from all semesters, who are enrolled at HNU
  • Applicants, who will take up studies at HNU in either a bachelor or master degree study programme

What are the selection criteria?

The requirements for receiving a scholarship are outstanding achievements in school and at university and social commitment.

  • Achievements: You are amongst the best 10% of your year in school or at university.
  • Social commitment: You are providing social services as part of an association or you are politically or religiously active or you are involved in arts and culture.

For which courses can scholarships be awarded?

  • Scholarships independent from the subject of study: All students of the HNU as well as all applicants for a course of study at HNU can apply.
  • Scholarships dependent on the subject of study: Those scholarships can only be awarded to students or applicants of the specific field of study. The scholarship provider decides on the field of study.

