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Valerie Brack

Portrait Valerie Brack

Study programmes: In­form­a­tion Man­age­ment and Cor­por­ate Com­mu­nic­a­tions (BA) / Master Business Intelligence and Business Analytics (MSc) (now: Mas­ter of Ar­ti­fi­ci­al In­tel­li­gence and Da­ta Ana­ly­tics (MSc))

Employer: Windhoff Software Services GmbH

Position: Junior Consultant Business Intelligence

For what reasons did you decide to study at HNU?
HNU was recommended to me at the student advisory service at the time because I wasn't yet sure where my interests lay. I was interested in so many things and simply didn't know which direction to take. Study programmes such as IMUK offer a good basis, as there is an interplay of 3 areas. I was then able to do my Master's degree in the field (BIA) in which I had developed the strongest interest.

What experiences during your studies have had a particular impact on you?
Dealing with international fellow students had a particular impact on me during the Master's programme. You learn to work together in an international team and to deal with the challenges that can arise as a result. I found that exciting both culturally and for the practical future.

What was your first job like and how did you become interested in it?
I actually got my first job indirectly through an event at HNU :) I was looking for a company where I could write my master's thesis. Through an HNU event, I was able to talk to several companies and found a suitable place for my master's thesis. Afterwards, I got my first permanent job at this very company.

Which experiences from your studies at HNU have proved valuable for your professional life?
There are several, but the interdisciplinary thinking that I was taught at HNU is a particular help.

How would you complete the following sentence beginning?
"is a future-oriented and modern university."