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Stefan Pohl

Stefan Pohl im Büro.

Study programme: In­form­a­tion Man­age­ment and Cor­por­ate Com­mu­nic­a­tions (BA)

Employer: SWU TeleNet GmbH

Position: Team Leader Core Applications

Straightforward or via detours: What was your school career like and what interests did you have as a younger person?
After my school education at the vocational college, I initially wanted to study IMUK (Dipl.), but was more interested in IT technology and dealing with software applications. That's why I started my training as an IT clerk. After successfully completing my training, I personally wanted to take advantage of the opportunities that arose from the training and my previous school-leaving qualification and therefore enrolled at the HNU for the B.A. IMUK. The practical experience I was able to gain from the training, in combination with the degree, gave me a very good professional and theoretical basis for my current professional life.

What tips would you give to students in your degree programme?
My tip: Don't be discouraged by the first semesters, even if they are sometimes exhausting and very broad in terms of subject areas.

What is your advice to all graduates who are looking for their first job?
Large, well-known companies certainly offer exciting challenges. However, I really recommend including medium-sized, regional companies in your job search. The development opportunities and the chances to become active yourself are significantly greater.

Please describe your everyday working life. Which projects do you work on and which tasks do you particularly appreciate?
As IT, we develop and plan all processes with our specialist departments that drive our digitalisation at SWU. On the one hand, we try to advise, accompany the implementation of the solution and also provide support after the introduction of the solution. Of course, it is also important to be present in the specialist department, as the introduction or modification of new or existing solutions often represents a paradigm shift that is supported by everyone in the company. In IT, we are therefore not pure implementers, but develop the solutions together with our colleagues.

How would you complete the following sentence beginning?
"is regional and top."