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Sanela Matov

Portrait von Sanela Matov.

Study programmes: In­form­a­tion Man­age­ment Auto­mot­ive (BSc) / Driver Assistance Systems (MSc) at Kempten University of Applied Sciences

Employer: PEHcon GmbH

Position: IT Support

Contact: LinkedIn-profile (opens in a new window)

For what reasons did you decide to study at HNU?
HNU offers many interesting degree programmes in different fields. The Information Management Automotive (IMA) degree programme appealed to me the most and after reading through the module manual, I was sure that this degree programme would suit me. If I were asked today whether I would have preferred to do something else, I would answer: No, I would have chosen IMA again. The degree programme deals with both economic and vehicle-related topics, and you also learn the basics of programming. The study programme went exactly as I had imagined or wished. We were allowed to tackle and present many of our own projects, which I personally enjoyed the most. Furthermore, the university itself appealed to me. The location is quiet and yet very easy to reach by bus, and there is a great park right next to the university where you can go for a walk.

Straightforward or via detours: What was your school career like and what interests did you have as a younger person?
First I completed my secondary school leaving certificate and then my A-levels at a technical secondary school. I already discovered my passion and strength for vehicles and the technical field during my term at secondary school. Immediately after my A-levels, I worked for a company as a machine operator for a year and saved money for my own flat. I also wanted to give myself more time to think about the right choice of degree. Since it was always clear to me that I wanted to study something technical, it was important to find a degree programme that met these (automotive) technical requirements. Through internet research, I came across HNU and thus applied for the Information Management Automotive degree programme, which I successfully completed in the summer semester of 2022.

Exhausting or child's play: What did your internship semester look like and what tasks did you take on?
I did my practical semester at Mercedes-Benz in the change management department in the S-Class / Maybach / S-Guard division and found it very appealing! I was involved in meetings every day where we had to make decisions about whether a change could be made to a vehicle. The changes were, for example, software-related or vehicle-related changes of all kinds. Of course, decisions have to be made in consideration of the costs, which in the luxury segment with these vehicles are often in the multi-digit range. Furthermore, I was given the responsibility to release and manage changes independently. The practical semester gave me a lot of insight into how a change process is handled in the company. I was also able to make great contacts and develop myself as part of the team. The internship semester for me personally was not exhausting, quite the opposite: I enjoyed working a lot.

What tips would you give to students in your degree programme?
You have to learn to engage with new or difficult topics and not get your head around them straight away. It helps to take notes during the lecture, even if the professor is working with a script. That way, you can associate the topics more quickly and remember them better. I have also found that if you have difficulties, you can always turn to the professors for tips or useful advice!

What is your advice to all graduates who are looking for their first job?
Through studying, personal strengths and weaknesses are often crystallised. You should ask yourself in which area you would like to develop further. In order to find a suitable position, you can research,,, etc., or you can ask your friends about possible job offers.

Which experiences from your studies at HNU have proved valuable in your professional life?
Through my studies, I have learned better time management. This means that I divide up tasks or chapters and set myself goals for when I want to achieve them. Especially with larger or more demanding projects, proper time management plays an important role because otherwise you can lose track or fall behind.

What are your professional goals for the future?
After my Master's degree, I definitely want to get into the field of driver assistance systems and further my education in this sector.

How would you complete the following sentence beginning?
"has shown me where my strengths and weaknesses lie through the IMA study."