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Nico Schuster

Study programmes:  Information Management and Corporate Communications (Diploma) (now:  Information Management and Corporate Communications (B.A.)) / Master Business Administration (MA) at AKAD University

Employer: Tecpal Ltd. Hong Kong (Director Strategy & Innovation)

Position: Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Contact: LinkedIn-profile (opens in a new window)

Why did you decide to study at HNU?
The IMUK course was unique at the time and the mixture convinced me. Building on my training as an IT specialist, it was the ideal solution for me.

Semester abroad: In which country were you and what did you experience during this time?
At that time there were still two practical semesters. I spent one in Australia and one in India. But no matter where: a semester abroad is the best thing you can do. You get to know people and other cultures that will shape you forever.

What experiences during your studies have had a special impact on you?
The way you take responsibility for your own life. Unfortunately, this has suffered a little since the introduction of the Bachelor's degree, but nothing can replace the opportunity to learn a lot about yourself and your strengths and weaknesses during your studies.

What is your advice to all graduates who are looking for their first job?
Stop looking for your dream job. There is light and shadow everywhere and not everything is as rosy as the colourful application websites make you believe. The first job is most likely not the last job. Have the courage to try things out. One of the people across the street once maliciously called me "Job Hopper". But that's not true, I try whatever fits. If it doesn't quite fit, I try to make it fit, if it doesn't fit at all, you have to pull the rip cord. Interest in technology has always been there and never disappeared.

What did your first job look like and how did you become aware of it?
I was a Project Coordinator at Nokia. I got the job through a former fellow student - so I always networked with the higher semesters :-).

Which experiences from your studies at HNU have proved to be valuable in your professional life?
The interdisciplinary approach of IMUK still helps me in my position as managing director. I'm involved in marketing, my company is involved in IT and a little bit of business administration is needed in this position. Perfect fit!

What professional goals are you pursuing for your future?
Gaining as much experience as possible. I recently took a position in Hong Kong, here I want to grow the company and my team. For the future, I would like to return to academia at some point, but this time be on the other side of the lecture hall, so I am also working a little on my dissertation on the side.

How would you complete the following sentence?
"has made a lot possible for me and I am proud to be an alumnus."