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Mi­chael Nager

Study programmes:  Information Management Automotive (BSc) / currently extra-occupational: Business Informatics (MSc) at Steinbeis University Berlin

Employer:  Carl Zeiss Vision GmbH

Position: Junior Connectivity Manager

Contact: LinkedIn-profile (opens in a new window)

For what reasons did you decide to study at HNU?
During school I had been thinking about which study programme might be right for me. Since I had already come into contact with the automotive industry at an early age through my father's job and was interested in IT, I had been looking for a business informatics study programme. During this time, I came into contact with a friend who had already studied at Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences and could highly recommend the university to me. As a result, I visited the university on the study info day in November and was introduced to the Information Management Automotive (B.Sc.) study programme. After that, it was pretty clear that I would study in Neu-Ulm because I really liked the mix of IT and business contexts with an automotive focus. Furthermore, the university seemed very modern and well-equipped. The good impression was rounded off by the beautiful surroundings/city with the Danube, bathing lakes, etc.

What was your school career like and what interests did you have in the past?
Actually I did not quite suggest that I would study at a university. After finishing secondary school, I went to a commercial high school in the Stuttgart area. At that time, my interests lay in sports, as I was active as a 100-metre sprinter at the Stuttgart Olympic Training Centre as a track and field athlete. Sport also led me to the Gymnasium, as it was an elite school of sport. Apart from that, I have always been interested in soccer, economic and political topics.

Any tips for finding the ideal study programme?
Take a look at the university's website. It is important not only to read the programme description, but ideally also the module handbook. This will give you a first impression of what to expect. For example, some study programmes at one university are much more technical than at another. Otherwise, attend study information days or contact the persons listed if you would like to know more about the study programme and the requirements.

What experiences during your studies have had a particular impact on you?
Honestly, there is not this one moment that I would say was formative. It was more the whole study programme itself. I definitely matured personally during the four years, because you experience a lot, meet great new people and sometimes have to master tricky situations in your studies.

What tips would you give to current students of your study programme?
The time as a student goes by very quickly, which is why you should really enjoy this time. Take everything with you that is possible. For example, one thing I regret a little is that I didn't do a semester abroad. Personally, I think it's an experience you should definitely have. You don't always have to know where you want to go in the future: With a Bachelor's degree, all doors, industries, countries, etc. are open to you, so you shouldn't put yourself under too much pressure if you don't know exactly what your future job title should be. The most important thing is that you are interested in the content of the degree programme. Fellow student: From personal experience, I can highly recommend study groups of max. three to four people, depending on what type of person you are, this makes a lot of things easier in your studies, because you discuss the content and views often complement each other in a suitable and meaningful way. Ultimately, however, the most important thing is to stay positive and have a good time.

What is your first job like and how did you become interested in it?
I'm doing my current job part-time with a Master's in Business Informatics. I came across the programme through the same friend who recommended HNU to me. I found my job at Carl Zeiss Vision GmbH more by chance than anything else, as I had previously focused more on the automotive industry. However, the description of my current job sounded very exciting and challenging, which is why I wanted to see and try something new. So far, I definitely don't regret this decision, as I really like it.

What is your advice to all graduates who are looking for their first job?
Be open and look in all directions. Sometimes opportunities come up that you never thought of before.

What are your professional goals for the future?
I would very much like to take on a management position in the future. I'll let myself be surprised at what level. I think that will certainly emerge at the appropriate time.

What experiences from your studies at HNU have proven valuable in your professional life?
Being open to new things and thinking outside the box from time to time. It is important to question things/procedures from time to time, why you do something. Otherwise, stay cool and positive, even in tricky situations. Even if you do something wrong, these mistakes are part of the learning process. The important thing is to draw the right conclusions for yourself.

How would you complete the following sentence?
"is the right place to mature personally, to meet many new people and to realise yourself."