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Ju­lian Mann

Portrait Julian Mann.

Study programme: Busi­ness Stud­ies (BA)

Employer: Solidpro Informationssysteme GmbH

Position: Teamlead Direct Digital Sales

Contact: LinkedIn-Profile (opens in a new window)

Straightforward or via detours: What was your school career like and what interests did you have as a younger person?
For the most part, my school development was not necessarily straightforward. After the first two years at grammar school, I quickly realised that this was not the right situation for my younger self at the time. At that time, learning was not my first priority. Consequently, I switched to the Realschule and was able to complete my secondary school leaving certificate there. IT was already one of my interests at that time. Nevertheless, I decided to study economics at the technical secondary school, which, in retrospect, made my later entry into business studies much easier. By taking a diversion and repeating the 12th grade, I was able to enrol in a business degree programme with the Fachhochschulreife in my pocket. It was already clear to me at that point that I wanted to study business administration. In the end, I chose HNU and, looking back, I can only say that this decision laid the foundation for my career today. An academic/professional career does not always have to follow a straight line. There are always ways to get ahead - even a small step backwards can often enable you to take two steps forward.

For what reasons did you decide to study at HNU?
At the time, I was immediately attracted to HNU because of its close practical relevance and the networking factor with regional companies. Furthermore, I was still unsure at the beginning in which direction I wanted to orientate myself later - the basic studies at HNU (1st-3rd semester) enabled me to gain this knowledge with a broad transfer of knowledge across all areas of business. The choice of focus before the start of the 4th semester I was then able to target my personal interests in an appropriately thought-out manner. The overall package of HNU as an educational institution and the structure of the degree programme had absolutely convinced me at the time.

What tips would you give to students in your degree programme?
Take the chance and build up contacts and a personal network with your fellow students. During your studies and also after your time at HNU, these are valuable relationships for personal and professional advancement.

What was your first job like and how did you become interested in it?
During my bachelor thesis in a company in the automotive industry, I was able to gain valuable experience in B2B sales. Since it didn't work out with a takeover, I was looking for a company in the region where I could directly get the opportunity to actively join the sales team. Other development opportunities within the company I was looking for were also essential for me. My first employer after graduation is still my current employer.

What is your advice to all graduates who are looking for their first job?
You should already start looking around during your studies. The practical semester, working student jobs and a Bachelor's thesis in a company are great opportunities to make contact with potential employers at an early stage. I personally became aware of my first job through the regional Fachkräftetag (career fair) in Neu-Ulm. I can only recommend using the opportunity for personal exchange with the company representatives. The HNU Career Week or independent career fairs offer the perfect opportunity.

Please describe your everyday working life. Which projects do you work on and which tasks do you particularly appreciate?
I rarely have a classic daily routine. As team leader of our account management team "Direct Digital Sales", my tasks are diverse and varied. Sales controlling, strategic development of our sales channel, team leadership, employee development and much more are part of my daily work. My team of 10 works daily on the active solution sales (project business) of our software solutions (CAD & PLM) in need of explanation and supports the majority of all existing customers of Solidpro GmbH. Through direct customer contact in sales, you have the opportunity to get to know so many great and, above all, different people, companies and industries. This is exciting and challenging at the same time, as you always have to adapt to new situations and there is rarely a uniform solution for the customer.

Which experiences from your studies at HNU have proved valuable in your professional life?
In fact, a broad mix of everything. In addition to the diverse theoretical knowledge, it is often the soft skills that I learn that prove to be particularly valuable for me on a daily basis. Methodological competencies such as conceptual and analytical work, time and self-management, presentation skills, as well as social competencies such as networking, teamwork, communication skills - to name just a few - have helped me enormously in the beginning in my active everyday sales life. In my current position as a manager, I am still very grateful that I was able to acquire and deepen these soft skills during my studies.

How would you complete the following sentence beginning?
"was an exciting and enjoyable time for me, which at the same time not only advanced me professionally, but also personally."