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Ju­lia Schlot­terer

Study programme:  Information Management and Corporate Communication (BA)

Employer: Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences

Position: Head of Marketing & Communication, formerly Content Creator 

Contact: LinkedIn-profile (opens in a new window)

What areas of interest did you have as a younger person?
After graduating from school, I wasn't quite sure what career direction I wanted to go in. However, I have always been creatively inclined and had then made the perfect choice with IMUK, as the study programme is so broad that I didn't even have to make this decision right away. I was able to get to know many creative areas and thought that IT and business studies would not hurt me in my later professional life - which proved to be true.

For what reasons did you decide to study at HNU?
Before applying, I had taken a look at the campus, where the HNU Christmas market was taking place, and I felt right at home. The colourfully painted staircases also appealed to me right away - HNU made a pleasant, fresh and modern impression on me and didn't promise too much. I'm also very close to home and wanted to stay close to my family in Heidenheim. I thought IMUK was great because it offers so many career opportunities and you have many chances to find out about your strengths and weaknesses through specialisations and electives. In addition, an international orientation and a high level of practical relevance were important to me.

Semester abroad: In which country were you and what did you experience during this time?
I went to the Universidade Nova de Lisboa in Lisbon for one semester after my Bachelor's thesis and took any elective courses that were missing. (I can only recommend going abroad after writing your Bachelor's thesis!) What I liked most was the experience of getting to know so many different people from different countries, making lots of new friends, living in a foreign country and also being on my own for a change. It was also a good experience to live in a large shared flat with five other people, as I had previously lived in a two-person apartment in a student hall of residence. Of course, I wouldn't want to miss the many small trips to other cities in Portugal and Spain and the constant proximity to the beach :) University life was comparable to that at HNU and I also felt very comfortable at this university, foreign students are very welcome there.

What experiences during your studies have had a particular impact on you?
The group projects definitely left their mark on me. Even though I often found it exhausting at the time, I now know that they were good and important experiences, not only for my professional life, and that I learned a lot in the process, which was not only of a technical nature. From project management to time management to conflict management. The best thing about my studies, however, are definitely the friendships that developed and have lasted until today.

What was your first job like and how did you find out about it?
After graduation, I went straight into professional life and started as a social media editor at the Ulm Chamber of Industry and Commerce. I found the job online and applied while I was still on my semester abroad.

Please describe your everyday working life. What projects do you work on and what tasks do you particularly like?
My working day usually starts with checking all of HNU's social media profiles, answering messages and reading the press monitoring. Basically, I'm responsible for populating our profiles (paid and unpaid posts) on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube, but I also often write articles for the website or the press. As part of the Marketing and Communications team, I am also involved in advertising campaigns, for example on Yodel, and contribute to the conception of posters, postcards or advertisements. I especially appreciate small projects such as interviews and video shoots with students or other university members. Overall, I have a very varied job and work with many people from different areas - that's the most important thing for me.

How would you complete the following sentence?
"probably has a certain attraction for me ;)"